Reviu: Ayam petelur organik
Ana Nurcholis Shobirin , Risqi Alif Nurfajerin , Fatih Rahmawati Gita , Desy Cahya WidianingrumDOI:
08 November 2022Issue:
Vol. 3 (2022): The 3rd National Conference of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS) 2022Keywords:
feed, performance, productivity, conversionConference Paper
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Laying hens are one type of poultry that is widely cultivated by breeders for their eggs. Organic products are trending currently because of their better health effects. This research was conducted with a literature study approach and used descriptive analysis. Based on the study we obtained, it was known that the maintenance of organic laying hens must be carried out with organic requirements from all aspects like land, cages, breeds, sources of feed that must be 85% organic sources, was not use chemicals, plants must free from chemical, not use antibiotics or chemical drugs on the treatment (or perhaps with a conversion period) in sick hens. Constraints on the source of organic feed ingredients as well as marketing and consumers of organic products in several areas had made organic farming not widely applied in Indonesia. Organic laying hens have lower egg weight (58 g) and egg production (90%) compared to conventional laying hens (57.5-63 g, 92.31%). However, the mortality rate and the number of broken shell eggs in organic chickens (4%, 1.5%) were better than in conventional laying hens (8.8-9.7%, 3.9%). Based on this study, it can be concluded that the quality and advantage of organic livestock produced has the potential to increase the interest of Indonesian farmers to raise organic livestock.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ana Nurcholis Shobirin, Risqi Alif Nurfajerin, Fatih Rahmawati Gita, Desy Cahya Widianingrum

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