Conference of Applied Animal Science Proceeding Series 2024-01-03T21:21:30+07:00 Dr. Ir. Hariadi Subagja, S.Pt., MP., IPM. Open Journal Systems <p>Livestock production, Animal health, Animal nutrition, Feed technology, Livestock technology, Livestock industry, Socio-economy of livestock, Livestock Agribusiness</p> Kinerja produksi dan kualitas fisik telur puyuh dengan penambahan tepung kulit singkong dan ampas kecap 2023-12-19T04:21:25+07:00 Lili Pratiwi Fidiyawati Fidiyawati Rosa Tri Hertamawati <div><em><span lang="IN">This study aims to determine the production performance and physical quality of quail eggs with the addition of cassava peel flour and soy sauce pulp. The research method used was the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method using 175 quails. The treatments given were P0 = feed, P1 = basal feed + soy sauce pulp (2.5%) and cassava peel as much as (2.5%), P2 = basal feed + soy sauce pulp (5%) and cassava peel as much as (5%), P3 = basal feed + soy sauce pulp (7.5%) and cassava peel as much as (7.5%). Parameters observed were the production of laying quail including feed consumption, egg production, egg weight, feed egg ratio, mortality, yolk index, egg white index, yolk color, pH, and haugh unit (HU). The results of this study showed that the addition of soy sauce and cassava peel flour in feed at the 5% level could increase egg production and did not have a significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on feed consumption, egg weight, mortality, FER, and physical quality of quail eggs. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the addition of cassava peel flour and soy sauce dregs to the level of 15% did not reduce feed consumption, egg weight, mortality, FER, and remove the physical quality of eggs. but feeding up to 15% can increase egg production.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lili Pratiwi, Fidiyawati, Rosa Tri Hertamawati Pengaruh substrat pertumbuhan terhadap produksi larva black soldier fly dan karakteristik kasgot 2023-12-19T04:29:02+07:00 Ana Mariatul Qibtia Iswahyuning Tyas Dwi Erwin Kusbianto Himmatul Khasanah <div><em><span lang="IN">Bulls are an essential commodity and are always needed at the time of Eid al-Adha in Indonesia. Health insurance for livestock that will become sacrificial animals is one of the things that must get attention, especially for the safety of food or products of animal origin after the slaughter process so that it is safe for consumption by the community. Health checks have often been carried out by looking at the general condition of livestock, however, laboratory tests are still rarely carried out. This study aims to identify Trematode parasites present in bulls that will be used as sacrificial animals in the hope that it will provide useful data for evaluation and improvement in trematode parasite treatment programs. The method used to identify trematode parasite eggs is by examining the worm eggs in the faeces using the Parfitt and Banks method (1977). The samples used were fresh faeces from 72 bulls with ages ranging from 2-3 years. The result of the observation was the identification of the eggs of Fasciola sp. in 3 samples (4.2%) and eggs of Paramphistomum sp. in 2 samples (2.8%).</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Mariatul Qibtia, Iswahyuning Tyas, Dwi Erwin Kusbianto, Himmatul Khasanah Tingkat efisiensi pemasaran telur ayam ras studi kasus di Kabupaten Banyuwangi 2023-12-19T04:46:01+07:00 Niswatin Hasanah Alditya Putri Yulinarsari Teguh Haekal Akbar <div><em><span lang="IN">The observations were made with a case study at UD. Supermama Farm Banyuwangi. The aim is to analyze the marketing margins of egg. This case study was conducted in October 2022 at UD. Supermama Farm Banyuwangi. The research method used is a qualitative method. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through interviews with breeders, collectors, retailers and consumers, while secondary data included data archives owned by UD. Supermama Farm Banyuwangi. The analysis of marketing channels, marketing margins, marketing profits, and marketing efficiency. The result showed 4 marketing channels involved farmer, marketing institutions consisted of collectors, retailers 1, and retailers 2 and consumers. Supreme marketing margin was on 4 channel is Rp. 4,000/kg and the lowest on 1 channel was Rp. 0/kg. The four channels show an efficient level of marketing efficiency with 1 channel being the best channel, namely 0.23%. The conclusion of the observation is the marketing channel at UD. Supermama Farm Banyuwangi consists of 4 marketing channels, the longer the marketing channel, the higher the resulting marketing margin. The best level of efficiency on channel 1 because it is the shortest channel among the other channels other channels.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Niswatin Hasanah, Alditya Putri Yulinarsari, Teguh Haekal Akbar Reviu: Aplikasi bahan marinasi terhadap kualitas daging unggas 2023-12-19T05:09:57+07:00 Agus Hadi Prayitno Noor Asrianto Budi Utomo Adib Norma Respati Niati Ningsih Reikha Rahmasari Nur Muhamad Rusna Meswari Agung Irawan Yoga Dwi Kurnia Putra Melda Nur Agustin Faradziba Rahayu Sifa’ Iftitah Ramadhanti <div><em><span lang="IN">Marinating is one of the important processes in preparing poultry meat before cooking which involves soaking the meat in a mixture of ingredients such as spices, soy sauce, and other seasonings. The application of various types of marinating agents has been commonly used in both households and the poultry meat processing industry for a long time. Meat and processed poultry meat products that have been processed with various kinds of marinating ingredients either singly or in combination with several marinating processes can improve color, taste, and tenderness, as well as increase the shelf life of poultry meat through a mechanical process that reduces the growth rate of pathogenic microorganisms and can also reduce the process of fat oxidation in poultry meat. The application of various kinds of marinating ingredients shows that it can increase the food safety, quality, and added value of poultry meat. This review can provide information for the direction of efforts to develop various types of marinating ingredients that will be used in the poultry meat processing industry</span><span lang="IN">.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Agus Hadi Prayitno, Noor Asrianto, Budi Utomo, Adib Norma Respati, Niati Ningsih, Reikha Rahmasari, Nur Muhamad, Rusna Meswari, Agung Irawan, Yoga Dwi Kurnia Putra, Melda Nur Agustin, Faradziba Rahayu Sifa’ Iftitah Ramadhanti Performa itik Magelang jantan yang pakannya disuplementasi dengan inulin 2023-12-19T05:17:32+07:00 Lilis Hartati Tri Puji Rahayu Galy Hardyta Amalia Nur Maulita Fatimah <div><em><span lang="IN">The research aims to determine the effect of inulin supplementation on feed on the performance of male Magelang ducks. Variables observed include feed consumption, weight gain, and FCR. The research design used in this study was a complete randomized design (CRD). This study consisted of 4 treatments (P0: feed control; P1: feed + inulin 0.5%; P2: feed + inulin 1%; P3: feed + inulin 1.5%), by 20 of each replication consisted. This study used 100 male Magelang ducks, 20 for each treatment. Data analyzed using analysis of varience (ANOVA) and real different</span></em></div> <div><span lang="IN"> <em>data was tested with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results of this study showed that the difference in the addition of inulin to feed had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on feed consumption (5651.70±346.76), body weight gain (1128.3±133.54), or FCR (5.10±0.71). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the addition of inulin prebiotics as much as 0.5, 1, and 1.5% in the feed of male Magelang ducks aged 2-10 weeks has no significant effect on their performance (feed consumption, weight gain, and FCR).</em></span></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lilis Hartati, Tri Puji Rahayu, Galy Hardyta, Amalia Nur Maulita Fatimah Keefektifan tepung maggot BSF (Hermetia illucens) sebagai pengganti ransum komersial terhadap kualitas telur burung puyuh 2023-12-19T10:25:27+07:00 Sadarman Sadarman Abdul Muaz Sulistomo Yendraliza Yendraliza Rizki Amalia Nurfitriani Amirul Faiz Mohd Azmi Novia Qomariyah <div><em><span lang="IN">Maggot BSF is an unconventional feed ingredient with high crude protein content. It can be used as a partial substitute for commercial feed, thereby reducing feed costs. This study aimed to investigate the effect of substituting commercial feed with maggot BSF meal on the quality of quail eggs. The research was conducted in Paradise Housing, Tambang District, Kampar Regency, Riau. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design with five treatments and five replications. The treatments consisted of P1: 100% Commercial feed (control), P2, P3, and P4 with the addition of maggot BSF meal at 1.50%, 2%, and 2.50% levels, respectively, as a substitute for commercial feed. Parameters observed included egg weight, albumen index, yolk index, and Haugh Unit of quail eggs. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance, and the means were compared using Duncan's Multiple Range Test at a significance level of 5%. The results showed that substituting commercial feed with maggot BSF meal up to 2.50% did not significantly affect (P&gt;0.05) the quality of quail eggs. The average values of the parameters were as follows: egg weight 8.66-9.06 g/egg, albumen index 0.10-0.13, yolk index 0.36-0.37, and Haugh Unit 60.4-61.4. In conclusion, maggot BSF meal at a level of 2.50% can effectively be used as a substitute for commercial feed to improve the quality of quail eggs.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sadarman, Abdul Muaz Sulistomo, Yendraliza, Rizki Amalia Nurfitriani, Amirul Faiz Mohd Azmi, Novia Qomariyah Proyeksi kondisi ternak sebelum dan sesudah pandemi Covid-19: populasi, produksi ternak, harga komoditas, dan strategi pemasaran 2023-12-19T10:32:44+07:00 Dodhy Hyronimus Ama Longgy Nisa Afifah Nur Fadilah Desy Cahya Widianingrum <div> <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="IN">The challenges to achieving sustainable food security are tough. The livestock sector, in this case, acts as a provider of food sources of protein for the community. This paper aims to provide an overview of livestock conditions, including population, livestock production, prices per commodity, and marketing strategies pre- and pasca-Covid-19 pandemic to support national food security. This manuscript uses literature studies and interviews with breeders. The data obtained is presented descriptively. The results inform that the livestock population before and after the Covid-19 pandemic until 2022 experienced different fluctuations for each commodity. Several livestock commodities experienced production instability, but some were unaffected during the pandemic. Meanwhile, the prices of several livestock products also increased with different prices in each province in Indonesia. Along with problems that occur, forcing people to adapt and face challenges with all their might. Livestock product marketing experienced significant differences during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Digital marketing becoming a solution for the community during a pandemic, and this technology continues to be developed even though the pandemic has ended. The current livestock product marketing strategy integrates online and offline marketing. Based on this information, it can be concluded that the livestock subsector can recover well after the Covid-19 pandemic to continue the country's mission towards national food security.</span></em></p> </div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dodhy Hyronimus Ama Longgy, Nisa Afifah Nur Fadilah, Desy Cahya Widianingrum Evaluasi penggunaan asam organik sebagai agen pickling dalam penyamakan krom kulit ikan pari 2023-12-22T07:59:32+07:00 Tutik Maryati Ragil Yuliatmo <div><em><span lang="IN">The leather industry is a strategic industry capable of converting meat product waste in the form of leather into high-value materials such as shoes, jackets, wallets, and others. Tanning of stingray skin by chrome is interesting to explore, because stingray shell waste has not been widely used for leather. One of the important stages in tanning is pickling that using acid. This study aims to investigate the effects of a variety of different types of acids. Various acids used in the pkling process are formic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, and oxalic acid. The results of the tanning were tested for physical quality, including tests of tensile strength, elongation, softness, tear strength, sewing strength, and shrinkage temperature. The results were analyzed using the one way ANOVA method, and followed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) method. Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was found that stingray skin treated with formic acid had the best results in tensile strength and elongation tests, while the oxalic acid treatment had the best results in tests for softness, tear strength, sewing strength, and shrinkage temperature.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tutik Maryati , Ragil Yuliatmo Analisis saluran dan margin pemasaran telur bebek di Kabupaten Lumajang 2023-12-22T08:42:39+07:00 Lailatul Qamariyah Anang Febri Prasetyo Budi Prasetyo Shokhirul Imam <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This study aims to determine the forms of duck egg marketing channels, determine the size of the margins, profits, and efficiency levels for each marketing channel for duck eggs in Lumajang Regency. The number of respondents used was 54 respondents consisting of breeders, collectors, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. The method used is descriptive analysis method and mathematical analysis. The results showed that there were 5 marketing channels for duck eggs in Lumajang Regency, namely channel 1 (breeders to consumers), channel 2 (breeders to wholesalers), channel 3 (breeders to wholesalers to retailers), channel 4 (breeders to wholesalers, and retailers), channel 5 (farmers to collectors). The largest total marketing margin is in channel 4, which is IDR 4,800 per kg and the smallest total margin is in channel 1, which is IDR 0 per kg. The highest farmer's share was found in channel 1 breeders, namely 100%, while the smallest was found in channel 4 breeders, namely 85.18%. The level of marketing efficiency of duck eggs in Lumajang Regency based on marketing costs and marketing margins can be said to be efficient because the total percentage does not exceed 33%.</em></p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lailatul Qamariyah, Anang Febri Prasetyo, Budi Prasetyo, Shokhirul Imam Pengaruh pemberian fermentasi biji karet (Hevea brasilliensis) menggunakan Rhizopus oligosporus dan Neurospora sitophilia sebagai campuran bahan pakan terhadap profil darah Ayam Kampung 2023-12-23T10:37:07+07:00 Moch Ibnaq Uzaman Dadik Pantaya Suci Wulandari Alditya Putri Yulinarsari <div><em><span lang="IN">The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding fermented rubber seed flour using Rhizopus oligosporus and Neurospora cytophilia as a mixture of feed ingredients on the blood profile of native chickens. This study used 90 native chickens divided into 15 experimental units with 3 treatments and 5 replicates. Blood samples taken amounted to 9 chickens with female sex. This study used a completely randomized design (RAL) and analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test, if there was a significant difference then continued with the BNT (Least Real Difference) test. The treatments in this study were P0 (control) P1 (Rhizopus oligosporus 5%), P2 (Neurospora cytophilia 5%). The parameters measured were hemoglobin, erithrocytes (RBC), Hematocrit, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentrat (MCHC), </span><span lang="EN-US">l</span><span lang="IN">eukocytes (WBC), neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, </span><span lang="EN-US">and </span><span lang="IN">platelets. Based on the results of this study that the provision of rubber seed flour using 5% Rhizopus oligosporus and 5% Neurospora cytophilia fungi in feed rations had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on the blood profile of native chickens. The conclusion of this study is that it does not have a negative effect on the health and blood profile of native chickens.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Moch Ibnaq Uzaman, Dadik Pantaya, Suci Wulandari, Alditya Putri Yulinarsari Performa puyuh petelur fase starter dengan pemberian biji pohon karet yang difermentasi menggunakan ragi tempe 2023-12-31T19:04:25+07:00 Rizky Indra Syahputra Gayuh Syaikhullah Ujang Suryadi Rosa Tri Hertamawati <div><em><span lang="IN">The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving fermented rubber tree seeds using tempeh yeast on the performance of laying quails. This study used 160 quail aged 14 days, the feed given was a mixture of Comfeed PP1 quail starter concentrate, corn flour, fermented rubber tree seed flour, bran, and Topmix. The research method used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment given was the addition of fermented rubber seed flour: P0 (0%), P1 (4%), P2 (8%), and P3 (12%) based on the total ration requirements of the quails kept. Parameters observed included feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, and age at first laying. The results showed that the addition of fermented rubber tree seed meal reduced feed consumption, but had no significant effect on weight gain, and feed conversion. The addition of fermented rubber tree seed flour can be used up to 12%.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rizky Indra Syahputra, Gayuh Syaikhullah, Ujang Suryadi, Rosa Tri Hertamawati Performa dan nilai IOFC domba ekor tipis dengan pemberian konsentrat tanpa atau dengan rumput odot 2023-12-31T19:11:55+07:00 Ririn Ramiati Tekad Urip Pambudi Sujarnoko Suci Wulandari Satria Budi Kusuma Mira Andriani Theo Mahiseta Syahniar <div><em><span lang="IN">This study was purposed to evaluate performances and IOFC value of thin tailed sheep (TTS) which fed 100% concentrate or with the forage addition of odot grass. Four TTS aged 7-12 months old with an average of body weight of (10.3±0.7) kg were used and randomly divided into 2 levels treatment. The level treatment of feed was fed 100% concentrate or without odot grass (P0) and fed 50% concentrate and 50% odot grass (P1). Parameters observed included dry matter intake (DMI), average daily weight gain (ADG), feed conversion and Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC). The results showed that DMI, ADG and IOFC on P0 was higher than P1 with an average of 0.45 kg/head/day; 0.21 kg/head/day; 366,835 and 0.33 kg/head/day; 0.15 kg/head/day 254,343; respectively. Feed conversion showed the opposite result which P0 (2.1) was lower than at P1 (2.2). It was concluded that feeding of 100% concentrate and without forage improved the performance of female TTS before the age of 12 months old. It also produced IOFC values more profitable than concentrate feed with the addition of odot grass</span><span lang="IN">.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ririn Ramiati, Tekad Urip Pambudi Sujarnoko, Suci Wulandari, Satria Budi Kusuma, Mira Andriani, Theo Mahiseta Syahniar Deteksi penyakit mastitis sub klinis pada kambing di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar 2023-12-31T19:29:35+07:00 Dermawan Dermawan Deka Uli Fahrodi Andi Nurul Mukhlisah Hendro Sukoco <div><em><span lang="IN">The purposive of this study was determine the prevalence of sublinical mastitis in goats. The type research used in this research is quantitative descrptive with a sample 115 female goats. The test was carried out by aseptically taking a milk sample from the goat’s udder an then putting in into the paddle test as much as 3 m</span><span lang="EN-US">L</span><span lang="IN">, then adding 2 m</span><span lang="EN-US">L</span><span lang="IN"> of the california mastitis test (CMT) reagent, after that the milk sample and CMT reagent were homogenized by rotating horizontally and then observed. By looking at change in consistency from the reaction of milk and reagents by titling the padddle test to see the gel mass that forms on a possitive result. The result showed that there were 14 positive samples using CMT with a prevalence rate 12.17%. The highest cases were in Luyo distrcrt with 12 positive goat, with a prevalence percentange of 17.91%, while in Mapilli Disrict, there were 2 positive cases with a percentange of 6,06% and Tapango Disrict had no cases of goats positive for mastitis.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dermawan, Deka Uli Fahrodi, Andi Nurul Mukhlisah, Hendro Sukoco Fermentasi biji karet (Hevea brasiliensis) menggunakan kapang yang berbeda terhadap organ limfoid dan hati ayam kampung 2023-12-31T19:43:03+07:00 Prayogi Damar Waskito Dadik Pantaya Suci Wulandari Alditya Putri Yulinarsari <div><em><span lang="IN">This research was conducted to determine the effect of the addition of fermented rubber seed flour as a feed mixture on the internal organ weight of native chickens. This study used 90 native chickens. The treatments in this study were P0 (without treatment): P1 (Rhizopus oligosporus 5%) : P2 (Neurospora sitophila 5%) The parameters measured were the relative weight of the thymus organ, the relative weight of the spleen organ, the relative weight of the bursa of Fabrisius organ, and the relative weight liver organs. The experimental design in the study used RAL (Completely Randomized Design). The data obtained was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), if there was a significant difference (P&lt;0.05) then it would be continued with the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with 3 treatments and 5 replications. Based on the research results, the administration of rubber seed flour using Rhizopus oligosporus 5% and Neurospora sitophila 5% in feed rations had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on the relative weight of the thymus organ, relative weight of the spleen organ, relative weight of the bursa of Fabricius, and relative weight of the liver. The conclusion of the study was that fermenting rubber seeds using Rhizopus oligosporus and Neurosphora sitophila at a dose of 5% in mixed feed did not cause a negative effect on the weight of lymphoid organs and chicken livers</span></em><em><span lang="IN">.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Prayogi Damar Waskito, Dadik Pantaya, Suci Wulandari, Alditya Putri Yulinarsari Penerapan good dairy farming practice (GDFP) pada peternakan sapi perah di Padang Panjang Sumatera Barat 2023-12-31T19:51:48+07:00 Restu Misrianti Zumarni Zumarni Evi Irawati Dewi Ananda Mucra Triani Adelina Jepri Juliantoni Deni Fitra Muhammad Rodiallah <div><em><span lang="IN">One effort to increase milk production in dairy cows in Indonesia is to implement GDFP. The aim of this research is to determine the level of implementation of GDFP on small-scale dairy farming in Padang Panjang, West Sumatra. The research was carried out by measuring the score of GDFP implementation in aspects of breeding, feeding, housing and animal health. The level of implementation is assessed by giving a score of 0-5 in the very poor-good category. The research results showed that the average score for implementing GDFP in the breeding aspect was 3.18 (good), the feed and water aspect was 3.5 (good), housing 3.17 (good) and livestock health 3.1 (good). Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the implementation of GDFP (good dairy farming practice) at Dairy Farm in Padang Panjang is classified as good.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Restu Misrianti, Zumarni, Evi Irawati, Dewi Ananda Mucra, Triani Adelina, Jepri Juliantoni, Deni Fitra, Muhammad Rodiallah Identifikasi dan prevalensi parasit cacing nematoda pada ayam kampung di Kecamatan Gumukmas Kabupaten Jember 2024-01-02T20:58:27+07:00 Reni Fatiyatul Fadhilah Dharwin Siswantoro Shokhirul Imam Ujang Suryadi <div><em><span lang="IN">This study aimed to determine the type, prevalence value and intensity of nematode worms that attack free-range chickens in Gumukmas District, Jember Regency. The samples used in this research were 100 fresh excreta from free-range chickens weighing 2 g each. The type of nematode worm can be identified by identifying the morphology of nematode worm eggs using the whitlock method. The data obtained from this research was analyzed descriptively by comparing appropriate and relevant literature. The identification results show that there are 4 types of nematode worms that attack free-range chickens in Gumukmas District, namely Capillaria sp. (41%), Strongyloides sp. (29%), Ascaridia sp. (26%), and Heterakis sp. (22%). The prevalence value of nematode worms that attack free-range chickens at this research location was 66%, which was included in the category of frequent infections. The intensity value was 284.32 items/g, included in the mild infection category. The conclusion of the research was that 4 types of Nematode worms were found that attacked village chickens in Gumukmas District, namely Ascaridia sp., Capillaria sp., Heterakis sp., and Strongyloides sp. The prevalence value of attacking free-range chickens in Gumukmas District was 66%. The highest prevalence value was Capillaria sp. (41%). The nematode worm that has the highest intensity value was Strogyloides sp. (706.90 grains/g).</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Reni Fatiyatul Fadhilah, Dharwin Siswantoro, Shokhirul Imam, Ujang Suryadi Pengaruh pemberian pakan komersial yang berbeda terhadap kualitas fisik daging hasil persilangan ayam betina lokal terseleksi dengan ayam jantan lokal terseleksi 2024-01-02T21:03:14+07:00 Aistia Nila Iftiyanti Budi Prasetyo Hariadi Subagja Gayuh Syaikhullah <div><em><span lang="IN">This is purpose of this research the commercial feeding with different brands on the physical quality of selected female native chicken meat with selected male native chickens on pH value, cooking shrinkage and water binding. This study was conducted using the Complete Randomized Design (RAL) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) methods, if there is a noticeable difference continued with the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) using 160 Day Old Chick (DOC) with 4 commercial and 5 replicateds. The feed treatments with different brands, namely P1 (W Feed). P2 (CP Feed), P3 (P Feed) and P4 (CF Feed). The results of this study show that commercial feeding with different brands can have a real effect (P&lt;0.05) on water adhesion but has no effect on pH and cooking loss. CF (Comfeed) commercial feed can improve the quality of selected hen meat with selected males by increasing water binding.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Aistia Nila Iftiyanti, Budi Prasetyo, Hariadi Subagja, Gayuh Syaikullah Uji organoleptik yoghurt susu sapi dengan penambahan kedelai edamame (Glycine max (L) Merril) 2024-01-03T13:33:01+07:00 Niswatin Hasanah Novi Dia Anggraeni <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This study aims to determine the organoleptic test results of yogurt with the addition of edamame soybeans. The research was conducted in Wuluhan District and the area around Jember State Polytechnic. In making this yogurt, 200 ml of fresh cow's milk was used for each treatment. The experimental design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 repetitions. The percentage of edamame addition was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The organoleptic test included color, aroma, taste, texture, and level of preference which was tested by 25 panelists. The panelists gave an assessment according to the Likert scale 1-5 that the researcher provided. The data obtained will be analyzed by the Kruskal Wallis statistical test, if the treatment gives a significant difference, then the Mann-Whitney further test is carried out. The results showed that the organoleptic test of color, aroma and taste did not have a significant effect (P&gt;0.05), while texture and level of preference had a significant effect (P&lt;0.05). The P4 treatment with the addition of 20% edamame was most preferred by the panelists because it had a less acidic and thick texture</em><em>.</em></p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Niswatin Hasanah, Novi Dia Anggraeni Pengaruh pemberian suplemen probiotik yeast dengan level berbeda terhadap pertambahan bobot badan dan konversi pakan domba jantan 2024-01-03T13:40:45+07:00 M. Adhyatma Muhammad Saiful Risal Satria Budi Kusuma Erfan Kustiawan Dadik Pantaya Adib Norma Respati Eistifani Fajrin <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This study aimed to determine the effect of yeast probiotics on body weight gain and feed conversion in rams. The research was carried out at the PT.. Pandu Bina Sejahtera located in Bojong Koneng, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Regency. The research used 12 Priangan rams, with an average age of 6-8 months and initially weight 11 – 14 kg. This research design used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using 3 feed treatments and 4 replications. The treatments applied were as follows: P0=Control (forage + concentrate with a ratio of 70:30% in dry matter), P1=Control + 1 yeast supplementation/head/day (1 gram of yeast), and P2=Control + 2 yeast supplementation / head / day (2 gram of yeast). The research parameters observed included body weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion. Sheep weighing is carried out once a week. The data was analyzed using ANOVA and if the results were significant then the DMRT (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) test was carried out. Giving yeast supplements generally had an effect on body weight gain (P&lt;.05) but had no effect on consumption value and feed conversion. The highest average body weight gain results were in treatment P3, followed by treatment P2 and the lowest was treatment P0. The conclusion of this research is yeast supplements of 2 g/day provides the most optimal body weight gain results.</em></p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 M. Adhyatma, Muhammad Saiful Risal, Satria Budi Kusuma, Erfan Kustiawan, Dadik Pantaya, Adib Norma Respati, Eistifani Fajrin Hubungan antara bobot badan induk dan bobot lahir pedet sapi PO dengan pola pemeliharaan tradisional 2024-01-03T13:47:51+07:00 Nonok Supartini Ahmad Bahrul Nur Cahyono Hariadi Darmawan Sumarno Sumarno <div><em><span lang="IN">Ongole Crossbreed Cattle (PO) or, Javanese cattle or white cattle are one of the most widely cultivated native or local cattle breeds in Indonesia. The population is concentrated mainly on the island of Java. Body weight and body posture are the primary considerations for Indonesian breeders in cattle production, especially PO cattle. Therefore, paying attention to body weight and body posture from the beginning of the calf's growth after birth is essential. For this reason, this research was conducted to examine the relationship between maternal body weight and birth weight of PO cow calves. The study was conducted in Napis village, Tambakrejo subdistrict, Bojonegoro district. This research used a correlation analysis method with primary data obtained from interviews with respondents and direct measurements of the body weight of the mother who gave birth to the calf and the birth weight of the calf. The results showed that the average body weight of the mothers was 340,42±49,31 kg with an average age of 77.89±34.64 months, and the average birth weight of the calves was 18.06±3.09 kg. There is a correlation between an increase in the mother's body weight of 1 k</span><span lang="EN-US">g</span><span lang="IN"> and an increase in the calf's birth weight of 0.575 kg, as this research conclusion.</span></em></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nonok Supartini, Ahmad Bahrul Nur Cahyono, Hariadi Darmawan, Sumarno Kualitas fisik Urea Molasses Block (UMB) yang diberi pengisi solid dan dedak padi 2024-01-03T13:51:30+07:00 Heru Afrianto Dyah Triasih <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The purpose of</em><em>i </em><em>this</em><em>i </em><em>study</em><em>i </em><em>was</em><em>i </em><em>to</em><em>i </em><em>determine</em><em>i </em><em>the</em><em>i </em><em>physical</em><em>i </em><em>quality</em><em>i </em><em>of</em><em>i </em><em>Urea</em><em>i </em><em>Molasses</em><em>i </em><em>Block</em><em>i </em><em>(UMB).</em> <em>which</em><em>i </em><em>is</em><em>i </em><em>given</em><em>i </em><em>a</em><em>i </em><em>solid</em><em>i </em><em>fortified</em><em>i </em><em>filler</em><em>i </em><em>as</em><em>i </em><em>a</em><em>i </em><em>substitute</em><em>i </em><em>for</em><em>i </em><em>rice</em><em>i </em><em>bran.</em><em>i </em><em>This</em><em>i </em><em>research</em><em>i </em><em>is a quantitative experimental study using a completely randomized design (CRD) one-way pattern. This research was carried out with 5 treatments with 5 repetitions, namely by mixing according to a predetermined formulation. Mixing the ingredients is done in a basin or bucket until a smooth dough is formed. The samples analyzed were divided into 5 treatments and each treatment was repeated 5 times. The treatment consists of P0 =</em><em>i </em><em>100%</em><em>i </em><em>DP+0%</em><em>i </em><em>solid,</em> <em>P1</em><em>i </em><em>=</em><em>i </em><em>75%</em><em>i </em><em>DP+25%</em><em>i </em><em>solid,</em> <em>P2</em><em>i </em><em>=</em><em>i </em><em>50%</em><em>i </em><em>DP+50%</em><em>i </em><em>solid,</em><em>i </em><em>P3 = 25% D</em><em>P</em><em>+75% solid, and P4 = 0% DP+100% solid. The results showed that the physical quality of the urea molasses block (UMB) with palm fortification as a substitute for rice bran, the color, flavor, and texture parameters were not significantly.</em></p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Heru Afrianto, Dyah Triasih Studi performa penggemukan sapi di PT. Tunas Jaya Raya, Nganjuk, Jawa Timur 2024-01-03T21:15:46+07:00 M. Fredy Bagus Ash Sholeh Erfan Kustiawan Satria Budi Kusuma Dyah Laksito Rukmi <div><em><span lang="IN">The high population also has an impact on increasing the food needs of the community. One of the food needs that need to be increased is the amount of beef in the market. The effort that can be done so that the amount of beef is fulfilled is a good maintenance system. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of beef cattle at PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi and judge which nation has the higher performance. The research was carried out directly at the location and the cattle's PBB was recorded every 2 weeks. The cows studied were 9 bulls, 4 </span></em></div> <div><span lang="IN">Simmental<em> cows and 5 </em>Limousin<em>e cows. The results showed that nutrient consumption had not been sufficient, especially for BK and TDN. The average ADG for </em>Limousin<em>cattle is 1.03 kg/head/day and 0.85 kg/head/day for </em>Simmental<em> cattle. Feed conversion yields 11.13 for </em>Limousin<em>e cattle and 12.90 for </em>Simmental<em> cattle, while the IOFC value for </em>Limousin<em>e cattle is IDR 18,676 and IDR 10,037 for </em>Simmental<em> cattle. For fattening cattle, it is recommended to choose </em>Limousin<em> cattle because they are more profitable than </em>Simmental<em> cattle.</em></span></div> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 M. Fredy Bagus Ash Sholeh, Erfan Kustiawan, Satria Budi Kusuma, Dyah Laksito Rukmi Studi kasus: parasit gastrointestinal pada kambing PE (Peranakan Ettawa) di Girimulyo, Kulon Progo, D.I. Yogyakarta 2024-01-03T21:21:30+07:00 Wisnu Krisna Nanditya Yuriati Yuriati Joko Prastowo Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni Aven Bernard Oematan Aan Awaludin <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>PE goats (Etawa crossbreed) are a valuable commodity and the leading livestock in Kulon Progo. Girimulyo is a sub-district with the largest PE goat population, reaching 42.7% of the total population in the Kulon Progo district. This study aims to look at the general health description, especially related to gastrointestinal parasites in PE goats which are breeding intensively. A total of 55 PE goat fresh fecal samples were collected randomly from the breeding intensively in Girimulyo. The fecal samples were then examined using the flotation principle using the FLOTAC method. The number per gram of worm eggs and oocysts was identified morphologically on the fill-FLOTAC and mini-FLOTAC kits. Simple statistics are used to calculate the level of confidence in the proportion of the sample using the Wilson confidence interval for prevalence/proportion accessed online on the Epitool web. The results of this study were that there were gastrointestinal parasites in PE goats in Girimulyo, Strongyle helminth eggs and oocysts (Eimeria spp.) with a proportion of 16% and 35% respectively. The spread of gastrointestinal parasites is possible from fresh forage contaminated with infective helminth eggs or sporulated oocysts.</em></p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wisnu Krisna Nanditya, Yuriati, Joko Prastowo, Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni, Aven Bernard Oematan, Aan Awaludin