
  • The 4th National Conference of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS) 2023
    Vol. 4 (2023)

    The Conference of Applied Animal Science (CAAS) is an annual event organized by the Department of Animal Science (Politeknik Negeri Jember, ID). This event was held to increase knowledge related to applied animal science development. Besides that, it is hoped that this event will strengthen the friendly relationship between all livestock people. The 4th National Conference Of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS). A theme of the 4rd N-CAAS is "Strengthening the Sustainable Livestock Sector through Pentahelix Synergy". The conference will discuss several topics, including: Livestock Production, Animal Health, Animal Nutrition, Feed Technology, Livestock Technology, Livestock Industry, Socio-economy of Livestock, Livestock Agribustiness.

  • The 3rd National Conference of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS) 2022
    Vol. 3 (2022)

    The Conference of Applied Animal Science (CAAS) is an annual event organized by the Department of Animal Science (Politeknik Negeri Jember, ID). This event was held to increase knowledge related to applied animal science development. Besides that, it is hoped that this event will strengthen the friendly relationship between all livestock people. The 3rd National Conference Of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS). A theme of the 3rd N-CAAS is "Challenges Livestock Industry through the Application of Green Economy to Recognize Sustainable Food Independence in the Era of Society 5.0.". The conference will discuss several topics, including: Livestock Production, Animal Health, Animal Nutrition, Feed Technology, Livestock Technology, Livestock Industry, Socio-economy of Livestock, Livestock Agribustiness

  • The 4th National Conference of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS) 2024 (in progress)
    Vol. 5 (2024)

    The Conference of Applied Animal Science (CAAS) is an annual event organized by the Department of Animal Science (Politeknik Negeri Jember, ID). This event was held to increase knowledge related to applied animal science development. Besides that, it is hoped that this event will strengthen the friendly relationship between all livestock people. The 5th National Conference Of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS). A theme of the 5th N-CAAS is "Integration of Environmental Friendly Applied Livestock Technology Towards SDG’s 2030". The conference will discuss several topics, including: Livestock Production, Animal Health, Animal Nutrition, Feed Technology, Livestock Technology, Livestock Industry, Socio-economy of Livestock, Livestock Agribustiness.

  • The 2nd National Conference of Applied Animal Science (CAAS) 2021
    Vol. 2 (2021)

    National Conference of Applied Animal Science (CAAS) 2021 merupakan Seminar Nasional Ilmu Peternakan Terapan (SEMNAS IPT) yang kedua. Perubahan nama tersebut merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memfasilitasi antusiasme dan respon para peserta yang disesuaikan dengan update program yang sedang berjalan. Tema CAAS 2021 adalah “Sinergitas antara Pemerintah, Perguruan Tinggi, dan DUDI dalam Pengembangan Komoditas Ternak Lokal yang Berkelanjutan. Seminar Nasional ini diselenggarakan secara daring yang terbagi menjadi Sesi Plenary pada tanggal 25 September 2021 dan Sesi Paralel pada tanggal 26 September 2021.