Conference of Applied Animal Science Proceeding Series
<p>Livestock production, Animal health, Animal nutrition, Feed technology, Livestock technology, Livestock industry, Socio-economy of livestock, Livestock Agribusiness</p>Politeknik Negeri Jemberen-USConference of Applied Animal Science Proceeding Series2808-2311Pengaruh penggunaan metode penyimpanan yang berbeda terhadap kualitas silase tanaman jagung
<p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of using different storage methods on the quality of corn silage. This research consisted of 2 treatments (silage bag and silage bunker) with 3 replications in each treatment. The materials used in this research were hybrid corn plants. Data were collected by observing the physical quality of silage (texture, color, smell), measuring the pH value and proximate analysis to calculate the Dry Matter content. The data obtained were analyzed using the SAS Academy website with the Independent Sample T-Test method. The results of statistical analysis showed that the use of different storage methods had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the quality of corn silage produced. However, when viewed from the average analysis results, it can be concluded that the silage bag storage method shows better silage quality than silage bunker storage method.</p>M. Daniel ZainurisRizki Amalia NurfitrianiTheo Mahiseta SyahniarNiswatin Hasanah
Copyright (c) 2024 M. Daniel Zainuris, Rizki Amalia Nurfitriani, Theo Mahiseta Syahniar, Niswatin Hasanah
2024-12-312024-12-3151610.25047/animpro.2024.714Post-mortem dan evaluasi ternak qurban di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Progo, D.I. Yogyakarta
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Eid al-Adha, is a Muslim religious day celebrated every year. Livestock reared from watersheds have a high risk of fasciolosis. This study aims to determine the quality of Qurban livestock products and to determine the application of Qurban livestock slaughter management in the community. The research method involved post-mortem examination of the head, liver, lungs, and kidneys by incision and organoleptic observation.. The evaluation of the implementation of Qurban livestock slaughter management took the parameters of slaughter preparation activities, carcassing, meat and offal processing, and distribution of Qurban livestock products which were then analysed descriptively. The research site at the Syukur Mosque, located in the watershed area. The qurban livestock consisted of 4 bulls, 6 male goats, and 1 male sheep. Equipment used included rubber gloves, scalpel blades, stationery, and cameras. Materials used include the heads, livers, lungs and kidneys of sacrificial animals. The results showed that all qurban meat was fit for consumption and fulfilled the criteria of Safe, Healthy, Whole, and Halal, except for the liver of cow 3 that had to be culled due to severe fasciolosis. The implementation of Qurban livestock slaughter management has been good but needs improvement, especially in the slaughter process, it is better to use a curtain cover so that other livestock that have not been slaughtered cannot be seen.</span></em></p>Joko PurwokoYudhi Ratna NugraheniSarwo Edy WibowoBariana Widitia AstutiNur MuhamadAan Awaludin
Copyright (c) 2024 Joko Purwoko, Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni, Sarwo Edy Wibowo, Bariana Widitia Astuti, Nur Muhamad, Aan Awaludin
2024-12-312024-12-31571710.25047/animpro.2024.716Uji validasi formula pengencer spermatozoa nano- flavonoid tahan suhu ruang
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of liquid semen from POGASI cattle using CEP diluent with the addition of nano-flavonoids stored at different temperatures for 3 hours. The research material used 10 POGASI cattle, housed with an artificial vagina. The requirement for fresh cement to be used is to have progressive motility >70%. There are 3 diluent formulas, namely P0: CEP diluent; P1: CEP + nano-flavonoids 0.10 grams; and P2: CEP + nano-flavonoid 0.15 grams which was tested with fresh semen. There are 2 cement storage treatments, namely at temperatures of 3-5°C and 26-28°C. Parameters measured were sperm quality (spermatozoa motility, viability, and kinetic parameters (motility, progressive motility, pH). MDA levels, DNA Fragmentase, and SEM,. The study was repeated five times, and analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The viability of spermatozoa at a temperature of 3-5°C during the third hour of storage with the average motility level with the temporary best formulation, namely treatment P1, respectively, was (68.3±6.5; 50.0±6.7; 52.2±2.2). motility level (56.6±4.7; 55.6±6.8; 46.1±7.9). Meanwhile, storage temperature of 26°C could not support spermatozoa viability until the 3rd hour 76.3±0.7), and the motility quality of the P1 treatment did not differ much in terms of motility level, namely (78.5±1.2; 78.5±1.2). Furthermore, it can be concluded temporarily that the diluent made from CEP which added nano-flavonoids, the motility at the 2nd hour was still above 45%.</span></em></p>Yeni WidyaningrumShobihatul FitriyaDicky M. Dikman
Copyright (c) 2024 Yeni Widyaningrum, Shobihatul Fitriya, Dicky M. Dikman
2024-12-312024-12-315182710.25047/animpro.2024.726Kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik in vitro fermentasi limbah sawi putih
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Chicory waste (CW) collected from traditional markets is probably used as a ruminant feed with low nutritional content; fermentation is needed to increase digestibility in the livestock's body. This research aims to determine the colour, texture, aroma, pH, dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility of fermented chicory waste using different levels of EM4 as a feed ingredient. Chicory waste was fermented for 21 days using different EM 4 levels. Moreover, the study's parameters consist of two stages: physical and in vitro quality tests. The experiment was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of four treatments and three repetitions: P0 (95% CW + 5% molasses), P1 (90% CW + 5% molasses + 5% EM4), P2 (CW 85% + 5% molasses + 10% EM4), P3 (80% CW + 5% molasses + 15% EM4). Average physical and in vitro quality were companed among treatments thorough one way ANOVA (x = 0,05) with duncan as post-hoc test. According to the result present significant effect (P< 0,05) on each treatment which P1 provider the ultimate result for in Vitro digestibility of dry matter and organic matter, it is recommended that fermanted white mustard vegetable waste use a balance concentration of starter bacteria with carbihidrates.</span></em></p>Syamsul Maarif, Ummul MasirJumatriatikah HadrawiRahma Fitriastuti
Copyright (c) 2024 Syamsul Maarif, Ummul Masir, Jumatriatikah Hadrawi, Rahma Fitriastuti
2024-12-312024-12-315283510.25047/animpro.2024.730Rasio ketepatan pendugaan bobot badan sapi Simmental dan Limousin berdasarkan rumus terhadap bobot badan aktual
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to determine the formula for estimating livestock body weight that is close to the accuracy of actual body weight, especially Simmental and Limousin cattle. The research was carried out at PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi Nganjuk. The study used 12 cattle consisting of 6 Simmental cattle and 6 Limousin cattle with an average age of ±2 years and bull. This study used a primary data collection method that was carried out directly in the field. The parameters used were the body size of Simmental and Limousin cattle including body length (PB), chest circumference (LD) and body weight (BB) of cattle. The results showed that the formula for estimating Simmental and Limousin cattle body weight that had the smallest percentage was the Arjodarmoko formula with a percentage deviation of 0.94% and 0.38%, while the formula with the largest deviation was the Schrool formula with a percentage deviation of -19.91% and -15.09%. The conclusion of this research is close to the accuracy in estimating Simmental and Limousin cattle body weight is the Arjodarmoko formula.</span></em></p>Satria Budi KusumaWin Ariani NovianingsihDyah Laksito RukmiNurkholis NurkholisAdib Norma RespatiHerlina Irawati Permadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Satria Budi Kusuma, Win Ariani Novianingsih, Dyah Laksito Rukmi
2024-12-312024-12-315364110.25047/animpro.2024.737Potential of eggshell waste as a calcium source for feed additives in layer chickens
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The poultry industry constantly seeks innovative, sustainable methods to enhance the health and productivity of layer chickens. This review explores the use of eggshell waste as a feed additive, highlighting its potential as a significant calcium source. Eggshells, primarily composed of calcium carbonate, provide a bioavailable form of calcium essential for eggshell formation and overall chicken health. The review delves into the composition, nutritional value, and processing methods of eggshell waste, emphasizing the importance of particle size in optimizing calcium absorption and efficacy. Benefits such as improved egg quality, shell strength, and cost-effectiveness are discussed alongside environmental advantages, including waste reduction and promotion of circular economy practices. Challenges, including contamination risks and variability in eggshell quality, are addressed with proposed solutions. The review also presents case studies and experimental evidence supporting the use of eggshell waste in layer chicken diets. Finally, future research directions and innovations in processing technologies are suggested to enhance the viability of eggshell waste as a sustainable feed additive in the poultry industry</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></em></p>Gayuh SyaikhullahAryanti Candra DewiHimmatul KhasanahListya PurnamasariNurul Pratiwi
Copyright (c) 2024 Gayuh Syaikhullah, Aryanti Candra Dewi, Himmatul Khasanah, Listya Purnamasari, Nurul Pratiwi
2024-12-312024-12-315424810.25047/animpro.2024.745Pengaruh pencahayaan terhadap produktivitas green fodder gabah padi pada kepadatan benih yang berbeda
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The use of LED (light-emitting diode) lights in indoor hydrophonic systems can optimize the photosynthesis process in plants. This research aims to examine the use of different lighting to maximize green fodder productivity. The use of LED grow lights is expected to have an influence on the growth and productivity of animal feed. Different seed density treatments aim to analyze the level of seed density so that optimal results are obtained. Research activities include testing seed germination and forage production. Green fodder production activities were carried out using a 2x3 factorial completely random plan (RAL) with 3 replications. Consisting of 2 factors, factor A is the influence of lighting (L: LED grow light; M: Sun), and factor B is seed density (P1: 300 g/m2, P2: 500 g/m2, and P3: 700 g/m2). The research results showed that the use of LED grow lights can increase plant height and fresh biomass productivity. A seed density level of 700 g/m</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">2</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> obtains the highest biomass production value. Seed conversion based on seed density P3 (3.61) is lower than P1 (3.84) and P2. (4.37), because there is only a slight difference in fresh biomass P2 and P3.</span></em></p>Annisa HakimTera Fit RayaniYasinta SeptiariGilang AyuningtyasRatih Kemala Dewi
Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Hakim, Tera Fit Rayani, Yasinta Septiari, Gilang Ayuningtyas, Ratih Kemala Dewi
2024-12-312024-12-315495610.25047/animpro.2024.723Performa kambing PE yang diberikan ransum terproteksi cairan batang pisang
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Good quality soybean meal (TBK) protein needs to be protected if it is going to be used as a feed ingredient for ruminants. The tannin content in banana stem liquid (CBP) has the potential to be used as a feed protein protection agent. The experiment in this phase was carried out according to a complete randomized design consisting of three treatments and three replicates. The treatment is T0 = complete feed containing unprotected TBK, T1 = complete feed containing protected TBK (100 g TBK/50 ml CBP), and T3 = complete feed containing protected TBK (100 g TBK/100 ml CBP). The results of the study showed that the use of protected TBK in complete feed did not affect (P> 0.05) the performance of PE goats. The conclusion is that CBP does not show any real effect in improving the performance of PE goats.</span></em></p>Basri BasriFitriana Akhsan
Copyright (c) 2024 Basri, Fitriana Akhsan
2024-12-312024-12-315576010.25047/animpro.2024.727The influence of housing type on broiler chicken production in Biting village of Jember regency
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Jember Regency is a notable region for broiler chicken production. The broiler cultivation system predominantly used in this area is the partnership system, mainly operated by smallholder farmers employing open house and semi-closed houses. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of different cage types on mortality rates, Body Weight Gain (BWG), feed conversion (FCR), and Performance Index (PI) in broiler chickens. The research was conducted at Surya Inti Ternak (Ltd.) in Biting village, Arjasa district, Jember regency. The study investigated two types of cages: open house and semi-closed house. The observed variables were mortality, BWG, body weight, FCR, and PI were analyzed using the Independent T-test. The results indicated a significant difference in the mortality rate during the first week (p<0.05). However, no significant differences were observed in the mortality rate from weeks 2 to 5, BWG, body weight, FCR, and PI of broiler chickens (p>0.05). The study concludes that while there is a significant difference in mortality rates between cage types during the first week, there are no significant differences in mortality rates, BWG, body weight, FCR, and PI between semi-closed house and open house system from the second week onward throughout the 35-day rearing period.</span></p>Mohammad Hamdani GojaliHimmatul KhasanahDesy Cahya WidianingrumRoni Yulianto
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Hamdani Gojali, Himmatul Khasanah, Desy Cahya Widianingrum, Roni Yulianto
2024-12-312024-12-315616610.25047/animpro.2024.736Korelasi periode laktasi terhadap produksi susu sapi peranakan Friesian Holstein di UPT PT dan HMT Batu
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The objective of this study is to determine the effect of different lactation periods on the milk production of FH crossbred cows. The research was conducted at the UPT PT and HMT Batu, located at Jl. Raya Tlekung, Desa Beji, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu, East Java. This study utilized primary data with research parameters including different lactation periods and milk production. The cows used were lactating cows in periods 1 to 4, totaling 16 cows, with 4 cows in each lactation period. Milk production data were collected twice daily, in the morning (05:00) and afternoon (13:00) over a period of one month. The obtained data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistic 24 application, employing the methods of Correlation Coefficient and Determination Coefficient tests. The statistical analysis results indicated that the lactation period has a weak correlation (0.379) with milk production. The regression analysis showed a determination coefficient (R2) value of 14.3%. This weak correlation is suspected to be due to a decrease in the average milk production from the third to the fourth lactation period.</span></em></p>Agung Putro PamungkasMuhammad AdhyatmaEistifani Fajrin
Copyright (c) 2024 Agung Putro Pamungkas, Muhammad Adhyatma, Eistifani Fajrin
2024-12-312024-12-315677110.25047/animpro.2024.739Evaluasi good farming practice peternakan sapi potong di Lamongan - Jawa Timur
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This observation lasted for 4 months, from August 1 to November 30 2022. The research method used was a qualitative method. Data collection for this observation was carried out by means of an assessment by the researcher taking into account the GFP guideline values and distribution of questionnaires. The observation parameters are the GFP aspect which includes facility aspects and production aspects. The observation results show that the overall weighted value of the facilities aspect is: = 74.5 x 40% = (29.8%). The weighted value of the overall production aspect is: = 81.6 x 60% = (48.96%). The total number of facility aspects and production aspects has a value of 78.76%. So it can be categorized as the GFP performance of the farm as GOOD. The conclusion of the observation is the implementation of Good Farming Practice UD. The Sumber Jaya Lamongan Cattle Farm in the facilities and production aspects has implemented GFP well. The total weighted value in the facilities aspect is 74.5% in the sufficient category and in the production aspect 81.6% in the good category, so that the livestock business is feasible to run. The total number for the facilities and production aspects is 78.76%, so the GFP performance of the farm can be categorized as GOOD.</span></em></p>Niswatin HasanahAlditya Putri YulinarsariAgung IzzulhaqNining Haryuni
Copyright (c) 2024 Niswatin Hasanah, Alditya Putri Yulinarsari, Agung Izzulhaq, Nining Haryuni
2024-12-312024-12-315728210.25047/animpro.2024.715Studi pemalsuan bahan pakan ternak dengan berbagai tingkat kontaminasi
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aimed to identify the characteristics and extent of feed ingredient adulteration. It was conducted from October 5-13, 2023, at the Animal Nutrition and Feed Science Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. The materials used for testing feed ingredient quality included a grain moisture tester, urea test paper, petri dish, dropper pipette, tweezers, and trays. The feed ingredients test for quality were fish meal, soybean meal (SBM), rice bran, and corn, obtained from various poultry shops in Greater Solo. Tests for feed ingredients adulteration encompassed evaluations of water, urea, and rice husk content. Data analysis employed a descriptive quantitative analysis approach. All feed ingredients exhibited acceptable water content levels, however certain samples of fish meal, SBM, and rice bran showed color changes during urea and rice husk content tests. It was concluded that all feed ingredients were adequately stored with respect to water content, eliminating the need for further treatment such as drying. Conversely, several feed samples showed indications of adulteration.</span></em></p>Aan Andri YanoPradisya Halimatu Sa’diahMiftakhul MubinZahra Mauliya Farah Dinah
Copyright (c) 2024 Aan Andri Yano, Pradisya Halimatu Sa’diah, Miftakhul Mubin, Zahra Mauliya Farah Dinah
2024-12-312024-12-315839110.25047/animpro.2024.721Jumlah leukosit dan deferensial leukosit Itik Mojosari dengan penambahan minyak dari limbah ikan mujair dan fitobiotik ekstrak buah mengkudu melalui media pakan
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to determine the effect of the use of mujair fish oil and phytobiotics of noni fruit extract through feed media on leukocytes and leukocytes (heterophytes, lymphocytes, and monocytes) of Mojosari ducks. The material in this study used 80 Mojosari ducks using the Complete Random Design (CRD) method, each replicate consisted of 4 treatments and 5 replicates. The first treatment was P0 = without the addition of noni fruit extract and fish oil (control), P1 = the addition of noni fruit extract and fish oil 0.5% each; P2 = 0.75% and P3 = 1%. The parameters in this study were Leukocytes and Leukocytes Differential (Heterophytes, Lymphocytes, and Monocytes). The data of the results of the study were analyzed using CRD and if there was a significant difference, further tests were carried out using the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test with a level of 5%. The results showed that the use of mujair fish oil and phytobiotics of noni fruit extract through feed media had no real effect (P>0.05) on leukocytes and differential leukocytes of Mojosari ducks. The conclusion of the study that has been carried out is that the use of fish oil from mujair fish waste and phytobiotics of noni fruit extract in Mojosari duck feed media up to 1% does not have a real effect on the observed parameters, namely leukocytes, heterophylls, lymphocytes, and monocytes.</span></em></p>Fadillah MarsudiHellen Aprilia MayasintaChoirdinia Firdausi NuzulaWanda Hanum MeylaniMuhammad Ilham El-AzkaDharwin SiswantoroNiati Ningsih
Copyright (c) 2024 Fadillah Marsudi, Hellen Aprilia Mayasinta, Choirdinia Firdausi Nuzula, Wanda Hanum Meylani, Muhammad Ilham El-Azka, Dharwin Siswantoro, Niati Ningsih
2024-12-312024-12-315929610.25047/animpro.2024.722Pengaruh level mikroorganisme lokal dan durasi fermentasi yang berbeda terhadap kualitas fisik tongkol jagung
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to determine the effect of physical quality of corn cobs using MOL with different levels and duration of fermentation. The method used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of the level of MOL addition (factor 1) and duration of fermentation (factor 2). The treatments consisted of 9 treatments with three repetitions, namely V1P1 = MOL 1% + 7 days fermentation, V1P2 = MOL 1% + 14 days fermentation, V1P3 = MOL 1% + 21 days fermentation, V2P1 = MOL 3% + 7 days fermentation, V2P2 = MOL 3% + 14 days fermentation, V2P3 = MOL 3% + 21 days fermentation, V3P1 = MOL 5% + 7 days fermentation, V3P2 = MOL 5% + 14 days fermentation, V3P3 = MOL 5% + 21 days fermentation. The parameters observed were physical quality (color, odor, texture, and mold) and pH. The results showed that the first factor had no significant effect (P>0.05) on color, aroma, mold, texture, but had a significant effect (P<0.05) on pH. Furthermore, the second factor and the interaction between the first factor and the second factor each showed a significant influence (P<0.05) on all physical quality parameters. The best results were in a combination of 3% and 5% MOL doses with a fermentation duration of 7 and 14 days.</span></em></p>Wati WatiFitriana AkhsanUmmul MasirJumatriatika Hadrawi
Copyright (c) 2024 Wati, Fitriana Akhsan, Ummul Masir, Jumatriatika Hadrawi
2024-12-312024-12-3159710610.25047/animpro.2024.728Implikasi N, P pupuk kandang dan pengaruhnya terhadap produksi rumput odot (Pennisetum Purpurium Cv. Mott)
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Objectives study: to determine the best effect of manure using different livestock manure on the content of N, P nutrients and productivity of odot grass (plant height, leaf width, number of tillers and harvest production), Materials and methods of study: Odot grass (Pennisetum purpureum Cv. Mot) using different manure media: P0 (0% manure + 100% soil media); P1 (30% goat manure + 70% soil media); P2 (30% chicken manure + 70% soil media); P3 (30% rabbit manure + 70% soil media). The method of study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications, each replication 3 samples, total samples 48 treatments.</span></em> <em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Data analysis used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). To determine the interaction between treatments using Duncans Multiple Range Test (DMRT) further test. Research parameters: N, P, plant height, leaf width, number of tillers and harvest production. Results study: treatment P2 was significantly different (P<0.05) giving optimal results compared to other treatments at the age of 60 day, with the following results: N (1.97%), P (1.00%), plant height (91.4 cm), leaf width (3.4 cm), number of tillers (2.41) and harvest production (1.126 grams). Research conclusion: P2 treatment can be used to increase N, P nutrients, grass production, land renovation and conservation odot grass for availability animal feed.</span></em></p>Roni YuliantoRahmat Ubaidilah
Copyright (c) 2024 Roni Yulianto, Rahmat Ubaidilah
2024-12-312024-12-31510711510.25047/animpro.2024.734Performa reproduksi puyuh saat masak kelamin yang diberi pakan tepung okra dan dipelihara pada suhu kandang berbeda
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the effect of feeding okra waste flour as a source of natural antioxidants on the reproductive performance of laying quail at sex maturity at different cage temperatures. The study was conducted using a DOQ of 192 quails with a 2-factor factorial completely randomized design experimental method, namely Factors A and B. Factor A (temperature) consisted of 2 treatments A1 (cage temperature = room) and A2 (heat stress temperature ±3</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">o</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">C). Factor B (feed) consisted of 4 treatments namely B0 (0%), B1 (1% okra waste flour), B2 (2% okra waste flour), B3 (3% okra waste flour) with 3 replicates and each replicate contained 8 quails. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), if there was a significant difference it was continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Parameters observed were quail body weight at sex maturity, quail age at sex maturity and egg weight at sex maturity. The results showed that the effect of giving okra flour at different cage temperatures had no effect (P>0.05) on reproductive performance at sex maturity. The conclusion of this study is that quail are able to survive at cage temperatures up to 31</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">o</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">C with okra flour fed up to 3% and can maintain their reproductive performance when compared to maintenance at cage temperature.</span></em></p>Mohammad Imam HoiriAradia ArfandiAprileo Indra KurniawanMohamad Ghazi VirgiawanAhmad Adi FirmansyahRosa Tri Hertamawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Imam Hoiri, Aradia Arfandi, Aprileo Indra Kurniawan, Mohamad Ghazi Virgiawan, Ahmad Adi Firmansyah, Rosa Tri Hertamawati
2024-12-312024-12-315116122Pengaruh suplementasi nano zinc dalam pakan terhadap efisiensi pakan ayam KUB
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Current trial was intended to study the effects of nano zinc dietary supplementation on the growth performance of KUB Chickens. Two hundred KUB chicks were distributed randomly into five treatment levels with four replications, and ten chicks in each replicate pen. The dietary nano zinc treatments were: basal diet without nano zinc supplementation (NZ-0) and a basal diet supplementation with nanoparticle zinc oxide at concentrations of 15 mg/kg (NZ-1), 30 mg/kg (NZ-2), 45 mg/kg (NZ-3), or 60 mg/kg (NZ-4). The analyzed variable data were feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein intake (PI), protein efficiency ratio (PER), energy intake (EI), and energy efficiency ratio (EER) based on the 10 weeks rearing period. The pooled data were analyzed statistically with one way ANOVA and followed subsequently with Duncan’s test for the data with significant difference. Results indicated that dietary supplementation of 60 mg/kg nano zinc increased feed intake, protein intake, energy intake (P<0,05), reduced feed convertion ratio (P<0,05), and increased energy efficiency ratio (P<0,01). Meanwhile, dietary supplementation of 60 mg/kg nano zinc did not affect the protein efficiency ratio (P>0,05). Taken together, our data indicated that the feed efficiency of the KUB chickens improved when the diet were supplemented with 60 mg/kg nanoparticle zinc.</span></em></p>Nova Hidayati Diyah LarasatiNanung Danar DonoBambang Ariyadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Nova Hidayati Diyah Larasati, Nanung Danar Dono, Bambang Ariyadi
2024-12-312024-12-31512312910.25047/animpro.2024.743Kualitas semen sapi Friesian Holstein jantan muda (studi kasus pada satu ekor sapi perah jantan muda)
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to determine changes in the ability of <2-year-old Friesian Holstein bulls to achieve semen quality. The research method was carried out starting from measuring scrotal circumference 3 times, determining libido starting when the bulls approached the females and the collection process using the artificial vagina method and evaluating semen quality 8 times. The parameters measured were scrotal circumference, libido, volume, pH, color, consistency, odor, mass motility, individual motility, concentration, viability, and abnormality. As age increases, libido shows a downward trend, while the size of the scrotal circumference and the quality of semen macroscopically and microscopically also shows an upward trend although it is still fluctuating so it can be concluded that the semen of <2-year-old Friesian Holstein bulls is not yet suitable for processing into frozen semen.</span></em></p>St. Zaqiya DarajatMuhammad YusufHasbi Hasbi
Copyright (c) 2024 St. Zaqiya Darajat, Muhammad Yusuf, Hasbi
2024-12-312024-12-31513013810.25047/animpro.2024.750Korelasi suhu dan kelembapan terhadap tingkat produksi susu pada ketinggian kandang berbeda
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of the observations was to determine the correlation of temperature, humidity and THI with milk production levels at different cage heights. The observation method is to record milk production results and morning and evening temperatures in two different cages. The material observed was 10 Friesian Holstein crossbreed cows with 3 lactation periods for 5 each in the upper cage at 700 meters above sea level and the lower cage at 670 meters above sea level. The observation results showed that there was a very strong significant correlation between temperature, humidity, and THI and milk production in the morning in the upper pen with a value ≤ 0.05 and a correlation coefficient value of 0.999. Meanwhile, in the morning it has a value ≥ 0.05 and a correlation coefficient value of 0.867, thus indicating there is no significant correlation between variables. The correlation in the lower cage in the morning showed a ≤ 0.05 and the milk correlation coefficient value was 0.925, so there was a very strong significant correlation between variables and milk production. a ≥ 0.05 with a correlation coefficient value of 0.714 in the afternoon shows a strong correlation between variables but is not significant. In conclusion, observations in the upper and lower cages in the morning showed a very strong significant correlation between temperature, humidity and THI, while in the upper and lower cages in the afternoon there was no significant correlation between variables.</span></em></p>Niswatin HasanahAlditya Putri YulinarsariMoch. Ardiyan Sakbana Ramadhan
Copyright (c) 2024 Niswatin Hasanah, Alditya Putri Yulinarsari, Moch. Ardiyan Sakbana Ramadhan
2024-12-312024-12-31513914610.25047/animpro.2024.720Penentuan ukuran partikel kalsium laktat kerabang telur ayam melalui metode presipitasi dengan pendekatan persamaan Scherrer
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The recent development of nanotechnology has facilitated the enhancement of calcium particle absorption by manipulating particle size to the nanoscale. The objective of this work was to quantify the dimensions of calcium lactate extracted from chicken eggshell calcium oxide and commercial calcium oxide using the precipitation technique used with the Scherrer equation approach. The synthetic process was conducted by reacting 20 ml of a calcium oxide solution with a concentration of 1 mol/L and 30 ml of a lactic acid solution with a concentration of 6 mol/L. The two solutions have a volume ratio of 1:1.5 (v/v). The reaction was conducted for 30 minutes at a temperature of 50°C, with agitation using a magnetic stirrer spinning at 500 rpm. Following that, 20 ml of a 50% ethanol (v/v) solution was added, and the mixture was dried in an oven set at 105°C for 72 hours and then pulverized to produce calcium lactate powder. The particle size of calcium lactate was determined by the Scherrer equation method. The calculated data were experimentally evaluated using descriptive quantitative methods. According to the research, the production of calcium lactate from commercial calcium oxide and chicken eggshells resulted in particles with sizes of 85.69 and 85.33 nm, respectively. The research result showed that the precipitation technique for calcium lactate production could produce particles of nanoscale sizes.</span></em></p>Agus Hadi PrayitnoEdi SuryantoRusman Rusman
Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Hadi Prayitno, Edi Suryanto, Rusman
2024-12-312024-12-31514715110.25047/animpro.2024.733Strategi pengelolaan pakan dalam sistem integrasi tebu-sapi: studi kasus kelompok tani Mardikismo di Kabupaten Lumajang
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to characterize smallholder farmer households and identify the types of feed provided by farmers in integrated sugarcane cattle farming. The study was conducted in the Mardikismo farmer group (n=25) in Gucialit District, Lumajang Regency. Data were obtained from individual interviews using questionnaires followed by direct observation. The results showed that the occupation of the head of the household was dominated by work related to agriculture. In addition, most farmers raise Limousin and Simmental cattle with an average of three per household. Sugarcane shoots are the main source of feed, followed by corn straw, rice straw, elephant grass, and other greens. Although sugarcane-based feed is widely used, there are several challenges, such as dull, rough, and stiff fur, high service per conception rates, delayed sexual maturity in heifers, and hard feces texture. Despite these problems, sugarcane by-products are an important source of feed in the area due to their availability and cost-effectiveness.</span></em></p>Alif Shabira PutriNoor Hudhia KrishnaYenny Nur AnggraenyMochammad ChanafiMariyono Mariyono
Copyright (c) 2024 Alif Shabira Putri, Noor Hudhia Krishna, Yenny Nur Anggraeny, Mochammad Chanafi, Mariyono
2024-12-312024-12-31515215810.25047/animpro.2024.747Pengaruh substitusi buah semu jambu mete terhadap kualitas organoleptik abon ayam kampung
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to determine the organoleptic quality of shredded native chicken meat with the treatment of cashew apple substitution. The materials used in this study include native chicken meat, cashew apple, garlic, shallots, red chilies, coriander, galangal, turmeric, pepper, salt, sugar, kaffir lime leaves, bay leaves, lemongrass, coconut milk, and cooking oil. The experiment was conducted with treatments involving the substitution of cashew apple at levels of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of the total meat. Organoleptic testing covered color, aroma, taste, texture, and overall acceptability. The organoleptic evaluation used a Likert scale as follows: 1 (strongly dislike), 2 (dislike), 3 (somewhat like), 4 (like), and 5 (strongly like). The organoleptic quality assessment was carried out by 40 untrained panelists who evaluated the shredded native chicken meat with cashew apple pseudo-fruit substitution, which was provided randomly for each treatment. The organoleptic test data were analyzed using non-parametric analysis with the Kruskal-Wallis Hedonic Test, and if there were significant differences in means, further testing was conducted using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results of the study conclude that shredded native chicken meat with the substitution of cashew apple significantly affects the organoleptic tests for taste parameters, but does not significantly affect the color, aroma, texture, and acceptance parameters. At a concentration of 5%, it has the best organoleptic quality with an average acceptance score of 3.98 under the like criteria. The shredded native chicken meat has a slightly brown color, a savory aroma, a savory taste, and a slightly fine texture.</span></em></p>Ramadhana SantosoAryanti Candra DewiAgus Hadi PrayaitnoHariadi SubagjaMerry Muspita Dyah UtamiGayuh Syaikhullah
Copyright (c) 2024 Ramadhana Santoso, Aryanti Candra Dewi, Agus Hadi Prayaitno, Hariadi Subagja, Merry Muspita Dyah Utami, Gayuh Syaikhullah
2024-12-312024-12-31515916710.25047/animpro.2024.751Performa produksi kambing Peranakan Etawa yang diberi pakan silase pakan komplit berbahan baku utama kulit edamame
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using silage as feed for male Etawa crossbreed (EC) goats by observing the performance of goat production produced and the Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) value to determine the economic value of feed on farmer income. This study used 4 EC goats aged 1 year with body weights of 23.6 kg, 24.5 kg, 25.1 kg, and 25.7 kg. The feed given consists of 80% complete feed silage based on edamame skin and 20% dry feed which was the remaining feed that had been dried and ground. The method used was to collect primary data in the form of direct observation and making daily notes. The data obtained were tabulated and then analyzed descriptively. Based on the observation results, it can be seen that the Etawa crossbreed (EC) goats fed silage had an average consumption of 0.64 kg DM/head/day, Daily Body Weight Gain (DBWD) of 0.05 kg/head/day, and Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) (in 2024) of IDR 384,725. It can be concluded that the production performance of EC goats for feed consumption, DBWG, and IOFC are quite good according to the literature, but the feed efficiency is still not good with a Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of 12.8.</span></p>Muhammad Aji MaulanaSatria Budi KusumaNiati NingsihAlditya Putri YulinarsariNur MuhamadAmal BahariawanSuci Wulandari
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Aji Maulana, Satria Budi Kusuma, Niati Ningsih, Alditya Putri Yulinarsari, Nur Muhamad, Amal Bahariawan, Suci Wulandari
2024-12-312024-12-31516817410.25047/animpro.2024.744Estimasi ripitabilitas dan MPPA jarak beranak pada sapi Friesian Holstein
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study was to determine the value of ripitability and MPPA of calving interval of Friesian Holstein (FH) cows in BBPTU HPT Baturaden. There were 92 FH cows used. The ripitability method used is the in-class method then continued with the calculation of MPPA values sorted from the smallest to the largest MPPA. The ripitability value obtained is 0.25 ± 0.00 which is categorized as moderate ripitability. MPPA value of calving interval is taken from the top 10 with the shortest calving interval. MPPA value with the first order is in cows with code 4194 and in the tenth order in cows with code 0818-12.</span></em></p>Awin PinasthikaSumadi SumadiTety HartatikAdib Norma RespatiNiati Ningsih
Copyright (c) 2024 Awin Pinasthika, Sumadi, Tety Hartatik, Adib Norma Respati, Niati Ningsih
2024-12-312024-12-31517517810.25047/animpro.2024.748Evaluasi dan analisis produksi peternakan ayam layer ditinjau dari perbedaan komposisi pakan di Desa Banyuurip, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Layer chicken farms in Indonesia often face obstacles in achieving optimal egg production potential due to inadequate feed nutrition. This research aims to compare the performance of laying hens from two smallholder farms given different feeds including composition and additives. This research was conducted on a people's farm of layer chickens of the Isa brown strain in Banyuurip Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency. Data collection is carried out weekly on two farms owned by Mr Asrofi and Mr Sucipto. The chickens used were grouped based on age criteria of 17-28 weeks, each with a population of 450 birds. The differences in the feed management of the two breeders are in the composition (percentage of use of corn, rice bran, and concentrate) and the use of additives (without premix and using premix). The main feed used for laying hens is corn, concentrate, and rice bran and mixed homogeneously. Data collected includes Feed Intake (FI), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Hen Day Production (HDP), and Average Body Weight (ABW) for 3 months of rearing starting from chickens aged 17-28 weeks. The data obtained were analyzed using the Independent samples T-test and the Man Withney test. The statistical test results were significantly different (P<0.05) for FI and ABW, but not significantly different (P>0.05) for FCR and HDP. The weekly data graphic shows that differences in feed composition affect the productivity of laying hens. This research concludes that nutritional balance in feed can influence the productivity of laying hens.</span></em></p>Muhammad Daffa ArbiantaraDesy Cahya Widianingrum
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Daffa Arbiantara, Desy Cahya Widianingrum
2024-12-312024-12-31517918510.25047/animpro.2024.735Model pemberdayaan kelompok tani ternak melalui program pemanfaatan biogas di Kabupaten Boyolali
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to find out the empowerment model of cattle farming groups (KTT) in the development of biogas. The method used survey method, the data collection technique in this research using the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) technique. Data from this research is collected through observations, interviews, and Fous Group Discussion (FGD). The research data obtained is analyzed descriptive quantitative. The supporting factors in this cultivation effort are the availability of means of production, status of ownership cattle, availabilities of transport and participation of peasant women in organizational activities, health level, employment/social network and means of communication. The key obstacles in this effort are the level of formal education of respondents and the availability and ease of access to educational means. The key requirements of the Summit are enhanced in this biogas programme is the formal education level, availability and support of the government Model empowerment of the livestock farmers in the village of Sruni and Musuk district of Boyolali, which is the construction and development as well as the presence of support institutions.</span></em></p>Ina NurtantiArdian Ozzy WiantoHavid Iskandar
Copyright (c) 2024 Ina Nurtanti, Ardian Ozzy Wianto, Havid Iskandar
2024-12-312024-12-31518619610.25047/animpro.2024.729Pengaruh pemberian filtrat hasil fermentasi bekicot (Achatina fulica) terhadap performa ayam kampung super
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to determine the impact of snail fermentation filtrate on chicken production performance. The methodology used was a completely randomised design (CRD) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and if there was a difference, it was followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). This study used 200 super native chicken DOC divided into 4 treatment groups with snail filtrate, namely P0 (control), P1 (5 ml/kg), P2 (10 ml/kg), and P3 (15 ml/kg), with each group consisting of 5 replicates, each containing 10 DOC. The treatment started from 1 day to 60 days of age. Parameters measured included feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion. The results showed that feeding snail fermentation filtrate did not give significant differences (P>0.05) on feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion. However, even though it showed no significant difference, it had a positive impact on ration consumption, body weight gain and feed conversion.</span></em></p>Faris HasanUjang Suryadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Faris Hasan, Ujang Suryadi
2024-12-312024-12-31519720310.25047/animpro.2024.742Analisis strategi pengembangan usaha peternakan ayam kampung (studi kasus Kapas Farm Kabupaten Jember)
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Kapas Farm Free-Range Chicken Farm, located in Sukamakmur Village, Ajung District, Jember Regency, specializes in hatching and breeding Kuntara 4 free- range chickens. This study aims to analyze the factors affecting the sustainability of the business and the development strategies for the Kapas Farm chicken farm. The method used is qualitative descriptive research with the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) as an analytical tool. The results show that internal factors such as standard quality and the use of incubators, as well as external factors such as partnerships and contracts, significantly influence the development of the farm. The IE Matrix places Kapas Farm in quadrant II, recommending intensive strategies such as market penetration, market development, and product development. The market development strategy has the highest TAS value (6.645), followed by product development (5.959) and market penetration (5.697). SWOT analysis places this farm in quadrant I, indicating that an aggressive growth strategy is highly suitable.</span></em></p>Dafoar Angella Wahyu ArtiAnang Febri PrasetyoHariadi SubagjaDharwin Siswantoro
Copyright (c) 2024 Dafoar Angella Wahyu Arti, Anang Febri Prasetyo, Hariadi Subagja, Dharwin Siswantoro