Reviu: Penerapan teknologi nano pada produk hasil ternak
Agus Hadi Prayitno , Budi Prasetyo , Dharwin Siswantoro , Dyah Laksito Rukmi , Hariadi Subagja , Dadik Pantaya , Adib Norma Respati , Budi Utomo , Tri Agus Siswoyo , Triana Lindriati , Yuny ErwantoDOI:
08 November 2022Issue:
Vol. 3 (2022): The 3rd National Conference of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS) 2022Keywords:
meat, packaging, eggshell, milk, nanotechnology, eggConference Paper
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Consumer awareness was increasing of food safety and food security along with the high population growth rate and increasing quality of life, nanotechnology was an important concern to be able to meet future demand for livestock products. The application of nanostructured particles has been widely explored to produce livestock products with high food safety and food security. Nanotechnology can also be applied to produce food with high protein without slaughtering livestock in the form of artificial meat whose process is developed in the laboratory. Nutritional quality and food quantity in the future can also be met through the application of nanotechnology. The quality and freshness of livestock products that can be maintained during the transportation process is a major concern that can be met through the application of nanostructured particles in the form of flexible packaging, laminates, and edible coatings. Nanotechnology can change the particle size from eggshell bio-waste into nanoparticles that have high added value. The application of nanotechnology has a very wide scope in livestock products.
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