Evaluasi good farming practice peternakan sapi potong di Lamongan - Jawa Timur
Niswatin Hasanah , Alditya Putri Yulinarsari , Agung Izzulhaq , Nining HaryuniDOI:
31 December 2024Issue:
Vol. 5 (2024): The 4th National Conference of Applied Animal Science (N-CAAS) 2024Keywords:
Beef Cattle production, Good Farming Practice, performanceConference Paper
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This observation lasted for 4 months, from August 1 to November 30 2022. The research method used was a qualitative method. Data collection for this observation was carried out by means of an assessment by the researcher taking into account the GFP guideline values and distribution of questionnaires. The observation parameters are the GFP aspect which includes facility aspects and production aspects. The observation results show that the overall weighted value of the facilities aspect is: = 74.5 x 40% = (29.8%). The weighted value of the overall production aspect is: = 81.6 x 60% = (48.96%). The total number of facility aspects and production aspects has a value of 78.76%. So it can be categorized as the GFP performance of the farm as GOOD. The conclusion of the observation is the implementation of Good Farming Practice UD. The Sumber Jaya Lamongan Cattle Farm in the facilities and production aspects has implemented GFP well. The total weighted value in the facilities aspect is 74.5% in the sufficient category and in the production aspect 81.6% in the good category, so that the livestock business is feasible to run. The total number for the facilities and production aspects is 78.76%, so the GFP performance of the farm can be categorized as GOOD.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Niswatin Hasanah, Alditya Putri Yulinarsari, Agung Izzulhaq, Nining Haryuni

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