Pengaruh Barista Terhadap Produk Coffee Shop di Kota Majalengka Provinsi Jawa Barat
Tarhan Rohim Sobri , Muhammad Azhar Alfiandra , Renaldi Azril Fadilah , Wachdijono WachdijonoDOI:
29 September 2023Issue:
Penguatan Potensi Sumberdaya Lokal Guna Pertanian Masa Depan BerkelanjutanKeywords:
Fragrant aroma, Indicator, Majalengka, Product, SpeedConference Paper
Cara Mengutip
The product is the main attribute of the coffee shop business, so it must be optimized so that consumers who have bought it can make a repurchase. However, optimal coffee shop products can only be created by dedicated baristas. This study aimed to analyze the influence of baristas on coffee shop products in Majalengka City and the indicators that consumers are most concerned about in these two variables. The research was conducted in April-May 2023 using a quantitative research design and survey method. The research population is consumers of Coffe Shop Marina in Majalengka City, and the number of samples is set at 120 respondents—data analysis using the Structural Equation Model instrument. The results of the study concluded that the barista had a real and positive effect on the product, and the indicator that consumers paid the most attention to in the barista variable was "speed (0.76)", while in the product variable was "the aroma of good coffee (0.79)". For this reason, it is recommended for Coffee Shop Marina business actors, in particular, to improve the quality of the barista's speed in making optimal coffee drinks and always strive to provide fresh and quality coffee bean raw materials so that the aroma is maintained so that they can achieve consumer satisfaction.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Tarhan Rohim Sobri, Muhammad Azhar Alfiandra, Renaldi Azril Fadilah, Wachdijono Wachdijono
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