Healthy Frozen Food and Drinks sebagai Upaya Penyediaan Makanan Sehat di TeFa Nutrition Care Center
Healthy Frozen Food and Drinks as an Effort to Provide Healthy Food at the TeFa Nutrition Care Center
11 January 2024Issue:
6th National Conference for Community Service (NaCosVi)Keywords:
NCC, produksi makanan sehat, popsicle, dimsumConference Paper
How to Cite
Amareta, D. I., Permadi, M. R. ., Purnasari, G., Susindra, Y., & Rindiani , R. . (2024). Healthy Frozen Food and Drinks sebagai Upaya Penyediaan Makanan Sehat di TeFa Nutrition Care Center: Healthy Frozen Food and Drinks as an Effort to Provide Healthy Food at the TeFa Nutrition Care Center . NaCosVi : Polije Proceedings Series, 6(1), 100–106. Retrieved from
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