Peningkatan Pendapatan Perempuan Pelaku UMKM Sebagai Langkah Untuk Minimalisasi Sandwich Generation melalui Pemanfaatan “Jedar”(Keju dan Selada Air Roll) di Kecamatan Bulakamba Kabupaten Brebes
Increasing the Income of Women in MSMEs as a Step to Minimize the Sandwich Generation through the Utilization of "Jedar" (Cheese and Watercress Roll) in Bulakamba District, Brebes Regency
17 January 2024Issue:
6th National Conference for Community Service (NaCosVi)Keywords:
Sandwich Generation, Perempuan, Jedar, UMKM, Kecamatan BulakambaConference Paper
How to Cite
Ernitawati , Y. ., Fitralisma , G. ., Kharisma , A. S. ., & Fajarini , H. . (2024). Peningkatan Pendapatan Perempuan Pelaku UMKM Sebagai Langkah Untuk Minimalisasi Sandwich Generation melalui Pemanfaatan “Jedar”(Keju dan Selada Air Roll) di Kecamatan Bulakamba Kabupaten Brebes: Increasing the Income of Women in MSMEs as a Step to Minimize the Sandwich Generation through the Utilization of "Jedar" (Cheese and Watercress Roll) in Bulakamba District, Brebes Regency. NaCosVi : Polije Proceedings Series, 6(1), 466–470. Retrieved from
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