Health Science : Polije Proceedings Series <p>Nutrition, Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Medical Analyst, Pharmacy, Nursing and Midwifery Science, Entomology.</p> en-US Health Science : Polije Proceedings Series Keterlibatan Suami dalam Melaksanakan Peran Domestik Ibu Hamil dengan Anemia Kehamilan <p>Anemia was a pregnancy complication that increases morbidity and mortality of mother and baby during pregnancy until the puerperium including prematurity, low birth weight baby, IUFD, post partum hemorrhage. Double burden was one of the risk factors for pregnancy anemia because mothers who have to endure heavy work as housewives and breadwinners need good nutrition, especially animal protein to increase the amount of iron in the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of husband's involvement in carrying out domestic roles on pregnancy anemia. The design of this research was case control by using case samples and control samples with a ratio of 1:3. The sample calculation results obtained 30 cases and 90 controls. The data used in the form of primary data and secondary data were obtained from medical records and conducted interviews with questionnaire guidelines. Data analysis with univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results of the study based on the multivariate test showed the most dominant risk factor was age (P value = 0,000; OR = 58,381; 95% CI 8,507-400,642), work (P value = 0,001; OR = 15,391; 95% CI 2,871-82511) and husband's involvement in performing domestic roles (P value = 0.005; OR = 7.285; 95% CI 1,804-29,413). Health workers are expected to socialize about gender equality based on the role of husband and wife so that there is a balance of roles and reduce anemia in pregnancy and always try to improve the quality of antenatal care in terms of visits to pregnant women and services for antenatal care.</p> Nurun Ayati Khasanah Agustin Dwi Syalfina Wiwit Sulistyawati Copyright (c) 2021 Nurun Ayati Khasanah, Agustin Dwi Syalfina, Wiwit Sulistyawati 2021-07-03 2021-07-03 1 12 Analisis Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Uji Organoleptik Minuman Cokelat (Theobroma cacao L.) <p>Chocolate drinks made from cocoa beans are obtained from a type of plant called Theobroma cacao L. Cocoa beans naturally contain nutrients that are needed for human health and consist of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, antioxidant compounds, refreshing compounds and minerals. The concentration of each compound is strongly influenced by the type of plant, the growing environment and how it is processed. Chocolate food and drinks have great antioxidant potential, knowing the best organoleptic formulations and antioxidant content in chocolate drinks. In this study used the measurement of antioxidant activity with DPPH analysis method. The materials used in this study were 240 ml water, 25 grams of sugar, and fortified chocolate powder with 5 different formulations namely D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5. Making chocolate drinks using boiling water (± 98oC) up to 240 ml. The acceptability of chocolate drinks with organoleptic tests is known that in terms of color prefers dark brown color. The dominant taste is bitter so it's not liked. The dominant facet with a strong chocolate scent is preferred. In terms of texture (thickness) like a thick texture with a higher amount of cocoa powder. The highest antioxidant activity is found in the treatment of D5 with 30 gram cocoa powder, then D4 25 gram cocoa powder and D3 20 gram cocoa powder. So, the higher the amount of cocoa powder, the higher the antioxidant content.</p> Arisanty Nur Setia Restuti Adhiningsih Yulianti Huda Oktafa Dini Sakinah Alfafa Fenty Nurrohmah Yani Malia Kurniawati Putri Wulandari Copyright (c) 2019 Arisanty Nur Setia Restuti, Adhiningsih Yulianti, Huda Oktafa, Dini Sakinah Alfafa, Fenty Nurrohmah Yani, Malia Kurniawati, Putri Wulandari 2019-12-18 2019-12-18 13 18 Hubungan Gaya Hidup dengan Keputusan Wanita Menjadi Pekerja Seksual di Kecamatan Banjarsari, Surakarta <p>In Indonesia, the number of new cases of HIV sufferers in 2017 as much as 48,300, and a new case of AIDS 9280 cases. In addition, HIV infection occurs in women of 17,579. In Central Java, the number of new cases of HIV in 2017 as much as 5425, the number of cases of AIDS 1719. Central Java is the third largest province of HIV/AIDS. This study aimedto know the relationship between lifestyles and women's decisions to sexual workers.Research using observational analytical studies, with case control approach and Chi Square analysis. The subject is a sexual worker woman with a case and a control group (not a sexual worker) in the district of Banjarsari, Surakarta with the number of subjects of each group of 100 people. A dependent variable is a woman's decision to be a sexual worker and an independent variable islifestyle.The decision of women being sexual workers is connected and statistically significant by lifestyle (OR = 2.67; CI 95% = 1.51 to 4.74; p = 0.001).The conclution was A woman's decision to be a sexual worker relates to lifestyle.</p> Syefira Ayudia Johar Copyright (c) 2019 Syefira Ayudia Johar 2019-12-18 2019-12-18 62 69