Food and Agricultural Sciences : Polije Proceedings Series <p>Irrigation, Manufacturing, Renewable Energy Engineering, Climatology, Automotive, Heavy Equipment, Transportation</p> en-US Food and Agricultural Sciences : Polije Proceedings Series Characterization of Several Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties as Germplasm <p>Characterization of Rice plant (<em>Oryza sativa</em> L.) is required to obtain its potential or to eliminate unwanted characters for variety improvement. This research was conducted from September 2018 to April 2019. Non-factorial randomized block design (RBD) was used, with five varieties, namely ‘Landak’ (V1), ‘Inpari 24’ (V2), ‘Sintanur’ (V3), ‘Sidenuk’ (V4) and ‘Ciherang’ (V5). The characters observed were plant height, number of productive tillers, panicle length, flag leaf length, flowering age, harvesting age, number of grain, number of pithy grains, and yield potential. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test at 5%. The result showed that Ciherang belonged to the first group (≤ 20 tillers). Sidenuk, Sintanur, Inpari 24 belonged to the second group (21-30 tillers), and ‘Landak’ fell under the third group (&gt; 36 tillers). For harvesting age, ‘Ciherang’ and ‘Sintanur’ were in the first group (≤120 days), ‘Sidenuk’ and ‘Inpari 24’ were in the second group (121-140 days), and ‘Landak’ come under the third group (&gt; 140 days). For 1000 grain weight, three varieties resulted lower than their plant description: ‘Landak’ (20.26 g), ‘Ciherang’ (25.30 g), and ‘Sintanur’ (26.48 g), while ‘Inpari 24’ and ‘Sidenuk’ exceeded their plant description with 26.89 g and 26.06 g, respectively.</p> D Rahmawati P Santika A Fitriyah Copyright (c) 2021 2020-11-20 2020-11-20 3 1 1 6 The Success Rate of Red Onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) Crosses in the Lowlands Area of Jember <p>Shallots (Allium <em>ascalonicum </em>L.) are vegetable plants that use as spices and cannot be subtituted. The existing shallot varieties are generally not yet able to adapt to climate change or the altitude of the planted area and are still susceptible to important diseases. Therefore it is necessary to make efforts to obtain superior red onions that are adaptive to climate change and tolerant of important diseases. Red onion crossing is one way to expand genetic diversity, and&nbsp; combine the desired characters so that new populations are obtained as selection material in the assembly program for new superior varieties of shallots. Crosses in this study use local varieties of East Java. Bauji variety is one of the local shallot varieties in East Java which is adaptive in lowland areas, can be planted in the rainy season, and tolerant of diseases. Tajuk variety is also a local East Java variety with the advantage of being able to adapt to the dry season and to withstand the rainy season. The aim of this study was to determine the success rate of crossing two shallot varieties in order to produce an adaptive lowland variety of shallot and tolerant of important shallot diseases. The research was conducted in the Antirogo experimental garden at an altitude of 89 asl from August to November 2020. The study used a non-factorial randomized block design with three replications.</p> L Kurniasari E Siswadi F S Dini Copyright (c) 2021 2021-03-15 2021-03-15 3 1 7 9 Optimization of Sterilization Techniques and Effects of Coconut Water for the Induction of Shoots of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) <p><strong>Abstract</strong>. The advantage of stevia is that it doesn't bring teeth, has a low-calorie content and is suitable for diabetics, and is safe to use. In this study, the explants used were derived from the stem segment of the stevia plant. The results showed that shoots had a contamination percentage of 30-40% and the treatment experienced 10% browning in the T1M1, T2M3 and T3M1 treatments. and the percentage of shoot growth produced was the same from all treatments, namely 60%. While the fastest shoot emergence time at 8 days after planting (HST) was found in the sterilization technique treatment using 70% alcohol for 1 minute and the use of 0 ml / L coconut water (T1M1). The treatment that had the highest number of shoots was the sterilization technique using 70% alcohol for 1 minute and using coconut water 0 ml / L coconut water (T1M1) as many as 2.9 shoots.</p> N D Wahyono N Hasanah N Nurprahastani Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 10 18 Concentration of Soaking Coconut Water and the Use of Kinds of Clon Entres toward the Growth of Bud Shoots of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L) <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of concentration of soaking coconut water and the use of kinds of clon entres toward the growth of bud shoots cocoa. This research was conducted on October 2019 until January 2020 at Lapang (Saung) Laboratory, Polytechnic of Jember. This research used Complete Random Design Factorial. Concentration of soaking coconut water was determined as first factor with 4 levels: 0% ; 25% ; 50% ; and 75%. While the use of kinds of clon entres was determined as second factor with 3 levels: Sulawesi Clon 1; Sulawesi Clon 2; and MCC Clon 2. There were 12 treatments combination and 3 repetitions. Further, the researcher conducted a 5% of DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) follow-up test. The result shows that concentration of soaking coconut water did not give significantly different treatment on all parameters. The use of MCC Clon Entres 2 gave significantly different result toward leaf area and shoot length parameters. </span></p> N D Wahyono N Hasanah S N P Surachman Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 19 27 Effect of Ethylene Curing on the Physical Properties and Nutritional Contents of Thai’s Banana (Kluai Namwa) <p>Banana is one of energy source fruit which growth all over Thailand. As a shortage shelf life, most of bananas are cut while it still green in order to maintain its physical quality and also the damage while transporting. Practically after cutting banana, there are two different ways of ripeness; naturally ripe and gas curing. Both ways may affect to the quality of banana differently. So, this research interest has paid attention to compare the change of physical properties, potassium and magnesium contents in bananas from different ripeness methods. Three maturation phases of banana were applied as an unripe, naturally ripe and curing. Thai Banana of Kluai Namwa (Musa ABB cv. Kluai “Namwa”) was used in this study. Kluai Namwa was cultivated after 15 weeks (when it still green), and then divided into two groups. The first one was kept it naturally at the room temperature until it ripe, the second one was cured using ethylene gas for 24 hours in order to make it ripe. The results showed that there were a significant different (p≤0.05) in color and hardness of bananas, as well as the potassium and magnesium contents of bananas from two different ripeness ways. The potassium content in cured Kluai Namwa showed higher than that in unripe and naturally ripe Kluai Namwa of 383.02, 373.20 and 324.50 (mg/100g), respectively. In addition, the unripe Kluai Namwa showed the highest magnesium content compared to cured Kluai Namwa and naturally ripe Kluai Namwa of 37.12, 35.41 and 27.08 (mg/100g), respectively. According to the results, it was recommended that curing method may help to increase the potassium and magnesium contents in ripe banana.</p> Lalita Siriwattananon Suwanan Yodsarn Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 28 32 Structural model of main problems to developing agribusiness tobacco-based non-smoking diversified products in jember <p>Agribusiness tobacco has significance in the National economy. One of the tobacco-producing areas is Jember district, East Java. Tobacco agribusiness has driven the economy due in no small amount of labour absorption and the impact on other business sectors. Tobacco farming has cultured and heritage. But there is the fact that the main product of cigarette tobacco has become controversial. The controversy arose as a result of the negative impact of cigarettes on health. Efforts to diversify non-smoking tobacco products are urgent and essential. Diversification efforts will facilitate the sustainability of tobacco agribusiness while creating added value for tobacco farmers. This research aims to structurally analyze and model the main problems in the development of tobacco agribusiness based on non-smoking diversified products. Research methods use library studies and expert judgment to identify the constraints of agribusiness development, as well as use Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) analysis to create structural models. The results showed from 10 conditions, the factor of farmers' ability to diversify tobacco products and the high reliance of farmers on tobacco export companies are the main problems. They are critical factors for which must be overcome to develop agribusiness based on non-smoking diversified products.</p> M Farhan Muksin Parmujianto S H Susilowati Sumiati B Hariono Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 33 41 Sensitivity factor and sustainability status social dimension in the development of na-oogst tobacco farm business in jember <p>Na-oogst Tobacco Jember is one of the types of tobacco raw materials of cigar making that has been known to the world. Cigar products are products that continue to increase stable demand in the world market. Steady demand has encouraged farmers to work on na-oogst tobacco cultivation. Tobacco farming has many factors that are categorized as social dimensions that play a role and influence on the sustainability and development of Na-oogst tobacco farming. This research aims to assess the status of sustainability and the most sensitive factors in the social dimension of the development of tobacco farming.&nbsp; The research method uses expert assessment to identify and assess ten attributes or factors, and the next is analyzed using Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) to analyze the sustainability status of social dimensions in the development of Na-oogst tobacco farming. Analysis of the social dimension shows that Na-oogst tobacco farming is categorized as less sustainable. Factors or attributes that can be driven by the sustainability of the social dimension in the development of successive Na-oogst tobacco farms are the roles of private institutions, the part of labour absorption, and efforts to resolve conflicts in society.</p> Muksin N Afila R A Sutantio D Sidu T Kustiari Handewi P Saliem Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 42 45 Designing Coffee Powder Products Through the Application of Quality Function Deployment Methods (Case Study at Small and Medium Enterprises Gusto Coffee) <p>Coffee is one of the world commodities that very famous because has a distinctive aroma and taste. One of the coffee processing industries is UKM Gusto Coffee which produces Robusta and Arabica powder coffee. As an SME business (UKM), Gusto Coffee must be able to know what attribute criteria are needed and desired by consumers for powder coffee products. One method that has proven to be effective and successful in fulfilling the needs and desires of consumers is using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method which begins with creating a product planning matrix (House of Quality), followed by creating a Product Planning matrix, Part Deployment, process planning and Production Planning. The purpose of this study was to identify the quality characteristics and level of preference of the Gusto Coffee UKM Powder coffee being tested, to analyze the development and improvement efforts of the Gusto Coffee UKM's powder coffee products using the Quality Function Deployment method. Important things for consumers that need to be considered in choosing powder coffee products include: (a) flavor, (b) aroma, (c) body. The order of priority for the technical response of powder coffee products from the highest includes: roasting, raw material selection (coffee beans), and grinding.</p> D Lestari A Abdurahman Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 46 51 Jalak Suren (Sturnus Contra) Bird Breeding Using Colony System Innovation and Special Incubator <p>The aim of this activity is: (a) implementing every stage of business management and marketing, breeding techniques for Jalak Suren, and other things that support success; (b) provide good and quality Jalak Suren; (c) create and implement captive breeding for starlings of suren colony system in accordance with their character in nature; and (d) making and implementing a incubator capable of incubating Jalak Suren eggs. The output targeted in this activity (a) implementing every stage in developing business management and breeding techniques for Jalak Suren; (b) constructing and implementing a colony system of Jalak Suren; (c) making and implementing a special incubator capable of incubating Jalak Suren eggs; (d) Giving managerial competence in business management and marketing. The results that have been achieved in this PKM activity include providing guidance by means of tutorials and intensive discussions about the production of captive breeding, such as the introduction of Jalak Suren, matchmaking techniques, the amount and variety of natural and artificial feed given, timing of feeding, and other treatments required for the broodstock to produce; (b) provide counseling and intensive training on how to make and implement the colony system Jalak Suren.</p> T Hidayat R S Mahanani Nurkholis Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 52 56 Strategic Plan Development For Palm Sugar Agroindustry Using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) and MICMAC Methodology: Case Study in Jember <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">This study develops a generic conceptual framework for strategic planning development from the coconut sugar agro-industry context in Jember Regency. The concepts and frameworks developed can be a useful resource for regional leaders, especially the Jember Regional Government to accelerate its strategic planning journey, which is essential to be competitive and successful in this developing era. From the exploratory nature of research, the interaction with experts and the findings from ISM and MICMAC hints at the need to evolve and implement strategies for a rapid increase in the overall competitiveness of the palm sugar business through Strategic Planning in creating overall activity programs. The main finding is that the matrix reflects the driving force of factors such as “Formulation of local regulations to support coconut agro-industry development” and “Outlining general zoning plans” (which depend on the leadership of the Local Government Top Management), are at a high level. MICMAC analysis thus proves and strengthens the popular belief that Top Management, in this case, the Regional Government of Jember Regency, plays an important role in initiating any initiatives / determining the future of the coconut sugar agro-industry through the development of sound and appropriate strategic planning. From the strategic aspect needed in the framework of developing strategic planning for coconut sugar agro-industry in Jember Regency, another strategy is "Integration between industrial sectors". The next priority strategy is "Identification of types of agro-industries that are feasible to develop", "development of incentive systems such as taxation and investment credit" and "development of information systems". Last but not least is “improving industrial licensing procedures” and “preparing land use management”.</span></p> D E Putra R A Syaban R A Djamali R Firgiyanto H Y Riskiawan D P S Setyohadi S Kautsar Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 57 66 A Review of Morphometric Measurements Techniques on Animals Using Digital Image Processing <p>The existence of livestock, especially beef cattle in Indonesia, has enormous potential. In 2018, the population of beef cattle in Indonesia reached 16,432,945 heads. This population continues to increase in 2019 to 17,118,650 individuals. The increase in livestock productivity can be assessed from the dimensions of the body of the livestock by measuring directly using measuring instruments. This technique is called morphometrics. Morphometrics is a quantitative analysis technique (body dimensions) that includes shape and size. Morphometric data is an important parameter used to study livestock anatomy, productivity, growth rate, and performance quality of livestock. Manual measurements can provide several obstacles, including causing livestock to be stressed more easily, measurements become less accurate because cattle move too much and can even pose a risk of livestock aggressiveness that causes people to be injured by livestock attacks. This review article aims to summarize the literature related to morphometric techniques in animals in terms of the measurement approach used and the objects measured. Writing review articles are done by summarizing and analyze the morphometric measurement process approach technique. The articles studied were obtained by searching in international and national journals at Springer, ScienceDirect, IEEE, etc. The search was carried out with the keywords "Morphometrics", "Morphometrics", "Zoometric", and "Digital Image Analysis". The conclusion drawn from the review is that there are still many things that can be developed in this morphometric measurement technique. The key to the success of developing this morphometric technique method is that the more effective and efficient the measurement technique is, the better the results will be obtained. The final result expected in the future is to be able to create a morphometric approach technique that can be used in all fields and animals. Able to produce accurate and efficient morphometric measurements.</p> A Rahagiyanto M Adhyatma Nurkholis Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 67 72 Development of Duck Farming in Gumuk Mas District, Jember Regency <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">The objective of this activity is to apply automatic system duck egg hatching machine technology to increase production capacity, reduce the mortality rate of day old duck (DOD), improve the quality of day old duck, be more efficient because the process of controlling temperature, humidity, reversal is done automatically, and is more energy efficient thus reducing production costs. . The development of a duck business has bright prospects in Indonesia, because duck eggs and duck meat are side dishes of staple foods that are popular with the public. This activity is carried out in small industry partners of UD Jawa Meri which is located in Menampu Village, Sub-district. Gumuk Mas, Regency Jember, which is engaged in the business of producing duck eggs and raising duck eggs. This industry has problems that are almost the same as other small duck industries, which are frequent and currently experiencing problems in duck egg incubators. The method of implementation in this activity uses the community empowerment method so that it can be accepted and beneficial to both user partners. The overall impact of this activity is the realization of community independence, namely people who are able to solve their own problems. The result of this activity was to develop and implement an automatic system duck egg incubator technology, providing training on the operation of an automatic system duck egg incubator. The application of one duck egg incubator has increased the production capacity of duck eggs from 15,000 seeds per month to 20,000 seeds per month. Hatchability of duck eggs increased from 65% to 85%. Production costs decreased from Rp. 2,900 per egg becomes Rp 2,500 per egg. The quality of the duck seeds produced is better. The results of this activity will be published through making videos of the results of the activities uploaded on YouTube, the Jember Pos print media, and participating in the ICoFA international seminar. An additional output is the creation of ISBN textbooks.</span></p> H Subagja AS Saleh E Kustiawan Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 73 77 The position of cattle production in agricultural systems: A balance between food security and emission <p>The growth of the global population leads to an increase in demand for human edible food and cattle production plays an important role to realize this aim. Cattle or ruminants are capable to transfer fibre rich materials into human-edible products, such as meat and milk. This capability allows the exploitation of grassland, which is 50% of the land available for livestock, and the reuse of a large scale of by-products for the production of food. The use of non-human edible materials may make ruminants net producers of human-edible proteins. The disadvantages of this capability are the emission of methane, contribution to global warming, and the low milk N efficiency, leading to N emission to the environment contributing to water eutrophication, soil acidification, and global warming. Research work showed that the possibilities to reduce both types of emissions are relatively limited. The inclusion of more high-quality protein and starch into the diet reduces these emissions but this change also has a negative effect on the balance between the input of non-human edible material and the output of human-edible products. Balancing between both aspects is done by focusing on the ratio of emission units per animal product. This ratio should be minimized which can also be achieved by improvement of digestion of typical feed ingredients for ruminants, such as forage and fibre-rich by-products, leading to high animal production. Research work should focus on further improvement of the digestion of forages by technological, chemical, and biological treatments. The implementation of these improvements in practice, however, is a great challenge because it affects local agricultural systems and may lead to an increase in the price of animal products.</p> L H de Jonge Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 78 83 Fulfilment of Quality and Safety Standard for Dairy Products of Kaligondo Village at Banyuwangi District to Improve Market Competitiveness <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">This community service activity is in the form of training on how to produce Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) which aims to increase knowledge and understanding of small industry entrepreneurs about production processes that meet standards production in order to improve product quality and competitiveness. Approach method to resolve the existing problem, is to carry out the Technology Transfer Method to assess the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) at CV Indo Dairy Fresh. Process of GMP assessment is filling out the questions that contain about aspects of processing room, pest, equipment, supply water, and personal hygiene. The training results show that knowledge and understanding of participants increases, participants are able to identify and assess independently of the GMP aspects according to production standards and capable participants apply the GMP aspects. The application of the GMP rules shows an increase </span><span style="color: windowtext;" lang="EN-GB">from 63,8</span> <span lang="EN-GB">before implementation, </span><span style="color: windowtext;" lang="EN-GB">to 85,6 after</span><span lang="EN-GB"> GMP implementation.</span></p> I Putu Dody Lesmana Nanik Anita Mukhlisoh Beni Widiawan Merry Muspita Dyah Utami Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 84 90 Physical, chemical and organoleptic quality of sweet potato leaves (Ipomoea batatas L.) ice cream <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">During the Covid19 pandemic, many people are looking for healthy foods to boost their immune systems. The immune system can be boosted by consuming foods that contain vitamins, phenols, flavonoids and antioxidants, and one of these foods is sweet potato leaves. Sweet potato leaves have not been utilised optimally. So, to increase its utilisation, sweet potato leaves can be processed into a popular product, one of which is ice cream. The purpose of this study was to make healthy ice cream with the addition of sweet potato leaves extract. This study used a Completely Randomised Design (CRD) 2 factors. The first factor was the concentration of skim milk (10%, 13%, 16%). Meanwhile, the second factor was the sweet potato leaves extract 5%, 10%, 15%. Each treatment was repeated three times. The test parameters used in this study were physical analysis, namely overrun; chemical analysis, namely antioxidants (IC50), fat content, protein content, carbohydrate content, and crude fibre content; and organoleptic tests, including taste, colour, aroma, and softness. The results proved that S3D1 treatment with a concentration of 16% skim milk and 5% sweet potato leaves extract was the best treatment. This treatment obtained the highest Result Value (RV), which is 0.78. The other parameter results obtained were the taste test 6.44 (like); overrun 65%; softness 5.96 (like); IC50 value 112.30 ppm; protein content of 5.63%; fat content 0.76%; carbohydrate content 10.02%; crude fibre content 5.27%; vitamin C content16.79 mg; aroma 5,52 (like); and colour 5.59 (like).</span></p> F K Hartati U Hasanah B S Sucahyo Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 91 95 Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Dried Noodles with Addition of Telang Flower Extract (Clitoria ternatea L) <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">Indonesian people are very fond of noodles because they are cheap and practical. One way to improve the quality of the noodles is by adding several active ingredients. Judging from the phytochemical review, telang flowers have several active ingredients that have pharmacological potential. This study aimed to test the chemical characteristics and preference level of the panelists from dried noodles of the telang flower. This study used a randomized design with the treatment given in this study as additional telang flower extracts comprising 4 levels,: 0%, 25%, 50%, 60%, and 75%. The limits analyzed were the panelist acceptance rate, protein content, total phenol, and water content. From the research results on testing the protein content got an average value of 14%, the total phenol got an average value of 0.55mgGAE / g, and the water content got an average value of 13.96%. because in the organoleptic test, the average panelist gave a value from neutral to very fond of dry noodles with telang flower extract. </span></p> Wendy Triadji Nugroho MF Kurnianto M J Wibowo A Brilliantina B Hariono Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 96 102 Exogenous enzyme increased feed intake but not growth and feed efficiency of sheep fed edamame wastes <p>Feed management strategies, for example using cheap agricultural by product to reduce feed cost, are commonly used in improvement of livestock farming. This research aimed to access efficacy of commercial exogenous enzyme (consisting of mixture <em>lignolytic</em> and <em>cellulolytic</em>) formulated with edamame waste on feed intake, growth, and feed efficiency of sheep. Nine local sheep were assigned using completely randomized design, treated with 3 levels of exogenous enzyme i.e. 0, 1.4, and 2.8 g/kg of total mixed ration formulated using edamame waste. The sheep were reared in individual cage and given treatment in 3 replications. Feeding and drinking were ad libitum and after two weeks feed intake (FI), average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were calculated. FI was significantly affected by the treatment and FI significantly increased in line with the treatment levels.&nbsp; However exogenous enzyme did not affect ADG and FCR</p> A Marzuki T M Syahniar M Andriani S Nusantoro E Kustiawan Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 103 106 Determination of the Shortest Path in Web-Based Food Distribution <p>Food insecurity can be seen in terms of production, consumption, and distribution. The aspect of food insecurity is the ability to produce unbalanced with the fulfillment of needs. Production capability is not seen from the availability side, because availability can be met from the inter-regional supply. The consumption aspect is the inability to buy food because there is no purchasing power or the poor. The availability of food that does not meet the needs of the community resulting in food insecurity. Then the way to handle food insecurity in the region of Bondowoso is by distributing food that requires the shortest path to overcome the many areas that must be assisted given. Determination of the shortest path is a problem to find a path between two nodes with a minimum number of weights. The shortest path can be applied in the form of web-based application programs.</p> Denny Trias Utomo Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 3 1 107 118 Portable Device for Monitoring System in Network Culture Laboratory based on IoT <p>Tissue culture is one of the technological developments in the field of agricultural production. This technique is one way of vegetative nurseries to produce ready-to-plant seedlings. The benefits of plant propagation by tissue culture include reproducing pantogen-free plants in large numbers and in a relatively short time. However, in plant propagation by tissue culture it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that affect its success, for example environmental conditions. Environmental condition factors consist of irradiation intensity, temperature and humidity. The intensity of lighting affects the photomophogenesis process of the explants, while the temperature affects the formation of plant organs and the unstable humidity can make the explants and plantlets grow abnormally. In the Tissue Culture which is carried out at the Laboratory of the Department of Agricultural Production, the State Polytechnic of Jember, also often finds culture failure or it is called kontam (mushroom culture / rotten culture / dead culture) due to the influence of an uncontrolled environment. Manual monitoring activities require more effort and time, and the results obtained are not entirely effective. Based on these problems, this study designed a web system that can monitor temperature, humidity, and light intensity as well as remote control of tissue culture rack lighting based on Microcontrollers and Computer Networks. This system utilizes trending technology, namely the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing. The internet of things allows the results of sensor readings to the temperature, humidity and light intensity levels of the tissue culture room to be accessed by the website. In addition, it also allows the website to adjust the brightness of the lighting according to the needs of the plants. In internet of things communication in this study, the compilers used the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol which has the advantage of being able to run on small bandwidthIntroduction.</p> B Widiawan Djenal D N Erawati R Firgiyanto A P Anugro Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 119 127 Teleoperation System for v-Based Sterilization Robot <p>In December 2019, an outbreak of pneumonia of an unknown etiology emerged in Wuhan, China. A new coronavirus was identified as the cause, which has named 2019-nCoV by the World Health Organization (WHO). January 25, 2020, a total of 1975 cases have been confirmed nationwide with another 2684 cases suspected of being caused by 2019-nCoV / Covid-19. The case in Indonesia was first discovered on March 1, 2020. Based on a study on emerging cases, WHO equated prevention/crisis in the number of sufferers with Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). WHO confirms that human-to-human virus transmission can occur through droplets, contact, and fomites (the source of infection from inanimate objects). Fomites can be various objects that are touched in daily activities, such as door handles, train handles, chairs, tables, etc. So this research aims to present a solution by using robots for sterilization based on ultraviolet lamps. The robot is designed with a differential drive system and is connected to a computer via a telemetry device. An FPV camera is mounted on the front of the robot to aid operator vision for remote control. The output shows that the room sterilization process can be done remotely without the need for physical contact.</p> A S Arifianto R N Karimah B Widiawan S Kautsar H Zuhfy Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 128 135 Contactless control system design for automatic guide vehicle (agv) based on depth camera <p>In early 2020, Chinese authorities announced news of an outbreak of a disease affecting the respiratory function. The outbreak came to the attention of the world community after in January 2020, health authorities in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, said there were patients who died after suffering from pneumonia caused by the virus. The new type of coronavirus that is attacking the world community today, in medical terms is called the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). In August 2020, Indonesia became the country with the highest death rate in Asia. However, to maintain economic stability, the government launched the New Normal activity. All activities can be carried out by implementing health protocols, including maintaining distance, washing hands and wearing masks. In the New Normal phase, several technologies are needed to prevent the spread of the virus. One of them is a contactless control technology. In this paper, a contactless control system for an Automatic Guide Vehicle (AGV) is developed. AGV is designed using a tricycle drive system and can be used to carry goods. Using a depth camera, the AGV is programmed to be able to follow human movements without marking or direct contact. The development of the system can be implemented in a broader field, such as supermarkets, airports, government offices, etc.</p> S Kautsar M A Gumilang B Widiawan H Tholabi F Ariscandra Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 136 144 Implementation of the Web Scraping as Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) Module in the Data Warehouse Simulator <p>Data and information are the main assets in an organization. Especially when the data is very fast, it causes the demand for information to also increase. This phenomenon must be anticipated by the organization, because by paying attention to proper data growth it can increase the organization's profits. However, it takes a different architecture from conventional databases to store this kind of data. This storage architecture is called the Data Warehouse. One of the important Data Warehouse components is the Extract Transform Load (ETL) section. The purpose of ETL is to collect, filter, process and combine relevant data from various sources for storage into a data warehouse. In this paper, we propose a simple ETL model that uses web scraping technique for data retrieval. Web scraping are techniques that have been used to collect data from web sites. Its reliability in data collection, as well as its accuracy in sorting data makes it the right model for the ETL process. However, there are still some adjustments that must be made so that the desired data can be obtained. Among other things, the accuracy in sorting HTML elements and knowledge of finding the exact location of the desired data.</p> H A Putranto T Rizaldi W K Dewanto T F S Putra Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 145 150 Differential-Drive Wheeled Robot Controller using Pulse-Width modulation in disinfectant sprayer robot <p>This paper describes dc motor control in disinfectant spraying robots using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) applied to Koesnadi hospital in Bondowoso, East Java as a tool to help sterilize hospital building hallways during the COVID-19 pandemic. Differential drive wheel with caster wheel combination. The robot has a size of <em>L x W x H: 40 cm x 40 cm x 120 cm</em> moves at a set speed to get even spraying results, but that speed becomes unstable due to the linearly changing load of the disinfectant tube. Using PWM is expected to produce different robot speeds according to the load conditions carried by the robot. The Arduino Nano microcontroller as the main controller is used to manage pwm signal cycles as a reference for robot speed when performing disinfectant spraying tasks. The application of PWM to the disinfectant atomizer robot is explained by calculating the estimated time and speed with the observation of the reduction of load conditions on the robot.</p> Yogiswara H Y Riskiawan Saiful Anwar R Ardiansyah Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 151 157 Development of Goods Carrier Robots and Interaction of COVID-19 Patients with Medical Personnel at Politeknik Negeri Jember <p>Covid-19 virus is the first type of deadly virus found in wuhan city, China. Based on worldometer data that entered until August 25, 2020, in Indonesia, 157,859 people were positively infected with the Covid-19 virus. The increasing number of infected patients is at high risk to nurses and doctors because one of the causes of the infection is by direct contact with patients who are declared positive there is a corona virus. CNN Indonesia on August 25, 2020 recorded as many as 90 medical personnel killed from exposure to the Covid-19 virus. To reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading in nurses or doctors when carrying out the task of treating patients in hospitals or health facilities, Politeknik Negeri Jember designed the manufacture of robots that can bring medical needs or needs of patients to the treatment room. this aims to reduce direct contact between patients and medical personnel. Remote control based on keyboard with radio telemetry is expected to prevent physical contact between medical personnel and patients. So the chances of exposure to the Covid-19 virus are less. The use of an interface in the form of streaming video calls, allows patients to communicate directly with a nurse or doctor&nbsp; (telehealth).</p> W K Dewanto B Widiawan D P S Setyohadi Surateno M Mashfukh Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 158 162 Monitoring Information System of Progress Reporting Research and Community Dedication (P3M) at P3M Units of Jember State Polytechnic (POLIJE) <p>The Research and Community Service Unit (P3M) is one of the units in the Jember State Polytechnic (POLIJE) as the manager of research and community service activities. One of the problems in the P3M unit is the process of collecting research and service report documents which are still carried out conventionally with manual habbit, so that the can’t monitor the progress of lecturers' reports with frequent delays in submitting reports. As a solution, it is necessary to implementating from SIMILITABMAS document reference to make a system that is adapted as internally in unit to the Monitoring Information System for Research Progress and Community Service Reports built on an online website as a tracer in real time in report collection activities with the aim. Increase in lecturer productivity to be more disciplined and to create integration, transparency and supervision between lecturers and officers of the P3M unit.</p> Ely Mulyadi Didit Rahmat Hartadi Gede Wiryawan Khafidurrohman Agustianto Prawidya Destarianto Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 163 170 Application of Digital Image Processing to Predict the Diameter of Chrysanthemum Flowers Ready to Harvest <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">Since 1940, chrysanthemum was developed commercially. Potentially, the cut chrysanthemum commodity still has problems in its development. Chrysanthemum flower production scheduling is needed to increase the quantity, quality and continuity of chrysanthemum production according to market demand. This happens because usually managers or entrepreneurs only harvest flowers en masse without seeing some flowers that should not be suitable for harvesting are also cut off. Therefore, it is detrimental to the manager itself and reduces the quality of the chrysanthemum flower products that are sold. The solution to the existing problem is that there is a need to observe flowers by applying precise agricultural technology according to the times to ensure the bloom time. By knowing this phase, the flower harvest period can be predicted correctly so that the fulfillment of market demand can be met appropriately. Observations in this study use digital image processing with the threshold method, which is then used as a basis for predicting the diameter of chrysanthemum flowers ready for harvest, hopefully this will help farmers or chrysanthemum managers to optimize their harvest. The results showed that the data image observation as a whole experienced the percentage of missing data or errors with possible causal factors due to the density of storage traffic, the effect of lighting, humidity and air temperature. In addition, the use of "image processing" to find the diameter of chrysanthemum flowers ready for harvest has succeeded in approaching the actual condition, although it has not been tested in other varieties.</span></p> D P S Setyohadi E Rosdiana H Y Riskiawan R Firgiyanto Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 171 176 Network infrastructure development for strengthening of branding and digital marketing at KPJT Manut based on Mikrotik Routerboard RB951Ui <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">: In line with the spirit of implementing research and government priority programs to build and strengthen rural communities, various efforts are being made. Klakah District continues to grow and shows its potential to become a center of Oyster Mushroom and Their Processed Products. Klakah village has a height of 193 m asphalt with annual rainfall of 1,480 mm and the number of rainy days as much as 123 days / year. Climatic conditions have an average temperature between 25-30<sup>o</sup>C, RH humidity between 60-80%. This condition is in accordance with the conditions for growing oyster mushrooms so that the production of oyster mushrooms is very potential to be developed. KPJT Manut is a community group in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms and their processed products in Klakah District. During 3 years of developing the business, currently there are 28 members spread across 6 villages. Some carry out functions as mushroom producers, as well as dozens of others as processed producers. Opportunities to expand marketing access by utilizing digital marketing technology and branding of oyster mushroom-based culinary villages are constrained by internet network infrastructure. Through this activity an internet network service was developed for KPJT Manut members using a local area network by applying a star topology. Developed based on the Mikrotik Routerboard RB951Ui technology, 8 members in the oyster mushroom culinary village area have been connected with the center at KPJT Manut Inspiration House. The average user gets throughput up to 5 MBPS. With the application of this technology, it is hoped that the Klakah branding as the center for oyster mushrooms and the digital marketing of KPJT Manut will be wider and stronger.</span></p> H Y Riskiawan D P S Setyohadi B Hariono M F Kurnianto Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 177 182 Performance of OpenVSwitch Bridge Network in Virtual Cloud Environment <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-GB">Cloud computing is the topic of the fastest growing area in the world of information and communication technology today. In order to provide cost-effective infrastructure services that include compute and storage services by cloud service providers, it is important to provide efficient compute, storage, and network virtualization so that these resources can be maximally shared across a large number of tenants in a massive multi-tenant cloud environment. Virtualization technology acts as the backbone of Cloud Computing for virtualization of compute, storage, and network resources that are delivered as services over the network. OpenVSwitch is a multi-tier standard software defined networking (SDN) switch based on the Apache 2.0 open source license. OpenVSwitch works at layer 3 of the OSI protocol in contrast to linux bridge which works at layer 2 of the OSI protocol. This study measures the performance of the OpenVSwitch SDN Switch in a virtual cloud environment. The performance meters measured include TCP upstream, TCP downstream, UDP upstream and UDP downstream. The performance measurement results are compared with the linux bridge performance on the same parameters. The performance measurement results show that there is a slight difference in the performance of OpenVSwitch and Linux Bridge.</span></p> Agus Hariyanto Bekti Maryuni Susanto Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 183 187 Water level control system in rice fields with the SRI (System Rice Intenfification) model based on IoT (Internet of Things) <p>The SRI (System Rice Intensification) model of rice cultivation has been able to produce higher productivity than conventional system. With the SRI model, land productivity can reach 21 tonnes per ha, 4 times the national productivity of 5.3 tonnes per ha. The water controller is one of the requirements in this model, and this one is become a major obstacle to be applied in the field at the farmer level. The water controller that is able to provide the highest land productivity is in the initial phase. in this phase the water level is 0-2 cm above the soil surface, in the vegetative and generative phases 3 cm below the soil surface, during the grain filling phase 7 cm below the soil surface, and it is dried. (irrigation is stopped) during the ripening phase or 10 days before harvest. In this research we develops a water control system using Internet of things technology so that all water level data can be recorded precisely and the process of adding water to the SRI rice field model can be done through an automation mechanism which controls the recorded process of control as well. The results of this study indicate the level of precision of the measuring tool works well and the automation system works as desired. The recorded measurement data can also be part of the analysis for the growth of the rice plant</p> Yana Suryana Yogiswara Supriono Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 188 191 The effect of Biofertilizer Application and Shoot Pruning on the Growth of chili plants on sandy media <p>This study aims to determine the effect of PGPR, <em>Trichoderma </em>sp and shoot pruning treatment on the growth and production of red chili plants. This study used a complete randomized block design (CRD) factorial consisting of 2 factors. The first factor was the provision of biological agents consisting of 4 levels of treatment: 1) control, 2) PGPR, 3) <em>Trichoderma</em> sp, and 4) PGPR and <em>Trichoderma </em>sp. The second factor was the time for cutting shoots, consisting of 3 levels of treatment: 1) without pruning; 2) Pruning shoots at the age of 14 days after planting, 3) Pruning shoots at the age of 21 days after planting in pots. The observation variables included plant height, fruit weight per sempel, number of fruits per sample, fruit length, and fruit diameter. The result shows of combination treatment&nbsp; PGPR and <em>Trichoderma sp</em>&nbsp; and pruning 14 DAP is the highest growth and production.</p> M Z Sukri HF Rohman R Firgiyanto Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 192 196 Improving quality of nickel post-mining soil using mycorrhiza and biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch <p>The physics and chemistry properties of post-mining soil needs to be improved.&nbsp; It is not suitable for agriculture, so alternative technology is required such us using biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch and mycorrhiza. This study aims to examine the effect of biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch and mycorrhiza to improve the nickel post-mining soil quality. This study randomized group design with 4 levels; B0 (0 t/ha), B1 (10 t/ha), B2 (20 t/ha), and B3 (30 t/ha) with 4 levels; M0 (0 t/ha), M1 (0.8 t/ha), M2 (1.6 t/ha), each treatment was repeated 3 treatments so that the total experiment was 36 units. The results showed that the use of bio-ameliorant waste from oil palm empty fruit bunch with dosage of 30 t/ha, significantly improved the chemical properties of nickel post-mining soil regarding the parameter of C-organic, pH, available phosphorus, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable aluminium, Ca-dd and Mg -dd. The treatment of mycorrhiza 4 g significantly affected the soil properties regarding improvement of soil chemical properties in available phosphorus to plants and exchangeable aluminium parameters. The treatment of biochar with dosage of 30t/ha of soil and mycorrhiza 1.6 t/ha (B3M2) of soil is the best interaction of mycorrhiza and biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch as amelioration material of post-mining soil which is characterized by the decrease of exchangeable aluminium. The application of biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch and mycorrhiza can improve the nickel post-mining soil quality.</p> R Neswati C Lopulisa M Nathan Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 197 203 Engineering Design Of Fuel Reactor Pirolysis Incinerator (IPFR) Processing Plastic Waste into alternative Fuel with Residual Oil Heating <p><em><u>.</u></em> In Indonesia, plastic waste has become an important problem at this time, because it causes environmental pollution problems. One of which is by converting waste into liquid fuel. Some types of rubbish that we often encounter are plastic bottles such as plastic cups, plastic bottle caps and others, which is one of the types of PP (polypropylene) waste. Polypropylene type plastic is the type of plastic that is most widely used in daily life because it has good mechanical properties with low density, heat and moisture resistance, and has good dimensional stability, Technology&nbsp; using the method of high temperature (Thermal Cracking). In this study, researchers designed a Thermal cracking device, namely an Incinerator, a plastic waste smelter with high temperature, where the modification of this tool is to use used fuel oil or residual oil. In this study, the researcher analyzed the burning time, the amount of waste mass needed for the melting process in the Incinerator. In this research, a fuel equivalent of 1.5 liters of premium fuel was produced with 10 kg of plastic waste burned in the incinerator with a burning time of 125 minutes of the pyrolysis process, with a combustion temperature of 180-250 degrees Celsius.</p> Aditya Wahyu Pratama Ahmad Rofi’i Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 204 211 Improving service quality of refrigeration system with using 3R toreduce air pollution at “Udy Teknik” workshop in Balung Kulon Village – Jember Regency <p>Refrigeration system has an impact on air pollutin and depletion of the ozone layer due to refrigerant wich contains CFC (Chloro Flouro Carbon) example Refrigerant R22 (CFC 22). The leak occurs when doing the process filling and replacing the refrigerant from refrigerant system. The problem partners is that the tools used are inadequate for the process of filling and replacing refrigerant, only relying on a simple basis, with the help of making 3 R (Recovery, Recycle, Recharge) tools it is hoped that it can be more efficient and overcome leaks from refrigerants.Thus, customer confidence will increase with the performance of employees and supported by more adequate workshop infrastructure. To expand the customer area, the creation of the UdyTeknik Workshop website is a breakthrough in the era of digitalization so that it can provide information on workshop activities to customers while measuring workshop performance through the feed back column. One of the outputs of this activity is the existence of technological innovation for tools that are able to be operated by employees through training activities so that it has a positive impact on partners because it can increase productivity from an economic point of view and achieve a comfortable and safe atmosphere in working in a workshop which leads to increased customer trust.</p> A R A Udin B M Susanto M Nuruddin Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 212 217 Antibacterial and Radiant Heat Absorbing Effects on TiO2 Based Resins <p class="IOPAbstract"><span lang="EN-GB">TiO2 (Titanium dioxide) is widely used as a nanomaterial for bacterial decontamination processes. TiO2 can provide a more decontamination effect when exposed to UV light. Ultraviolet light can be a trigger for Tio2 nanoparticles to inhibit bacterial growth. The specimen we tested was a mixture of clear resin with TiO2 0.01gr - 0.06gr (0% -10% of specimen weight) with an increase of 0.01gr each. From the results of research conducted by our research team it was found that the decontamination effect of Escherichia coli bacteria persists even after exposure to ultraviolet light is eliminated. The specimen is also capable of absorbing sunlight and radiant heat with a consistent increasing trend for each increasing variation of the mixture.</span></p> Azamataufiq Budiprasojo Feby Erawantini Lizam Mauquta Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 218 227 Energy Efficient Smart Home Based on Solar Panels <p>Renewable energy has been and is still a hot issue today, especially in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, where everything will be connected to the internet or the internet of things. The application of Internet of Things (IoT) to a system will require non-stop electrical energy to ensure the system can work properly. Various efforts have been made to find alternative energy sources that are sustainable and environmentally friendly to overcome the energy crisis that will hit the world. Solar energy is one of the renewable energies that is in great demand and is predicted to experience significant development compared to other renewable energy sources. Apart from being environmentally friendly, solar energy is also easy to maintain, install and is a sustainable source of energy. This paper will discuss the design and &nbsp;application of solar panels for a smart home to save electricity consumption. The saving percentage of electrical energy consumption after installing solar panels 1440 Wp in ideal conditions regardless of weather and other factors is between 54.91% - 60.84%.</p> Meilana Siswanto Dafit Ari Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 228 236 A Prototype car guidance system for automatic parking using the DT-Sense ultrasonic ranger <p>Damage to the car body is one of the things that a driver must avoid, especially when parking his car in a narrow space. This can be caused by the driver’s limited vision at night towards the back of the car. This can be avoided if there is a guidence system for the driver. Therefore, in this study a guidance system for automatic parking using the DT-Sense ultrasonic ranger was developed. The sensor is used to measure the distance between the car and the wall surface of the parking area. The system is made based on a microcontroller 328. The novelty is the variation of tests carried out on the wall surface and the distance from the car to the parking area from 105 cm to 250 cm. The test results show that the error of measuring the distance of car with a flat surface is 4.26%, a convex surface is 2.82%, and a graded surface is 4.86%.</p> Mochamad Irwan Nari Siti Diah Ayu Febriani Muhammad Adi Hermansya Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 237 245 Polypropylene Fuel Utilization with Varying Additives for Motor Fuels <p>This research aims to develop polypropylene fuel as an alternative fuel. With the abundance of plastic waste around us, this waste can be used as raw material for alternative fuels by the pyrolysis process. This is done by using the hydrocarbon compounds in the plastic-forming polypropylene. In fact, without further processing, the fuel has not been able to provide optimal results when used. A simple attempt to increase polypropylene fuel capability by adding additives. In this polypropylene fuel tester, a gasoline-engined motorcycle is used which is tested for performance on a dynotest. The treatment in this test is in the form of mixing polypropylene fuel with general fuels and adding selected additives, including the R30 type and octane amplifier. In the fuel testing process, a single cylinder two-stroke gasoline engine is used. The two-stroke engine has a two stroke piston combustion system duty cycle. It can be said to have a four-stroke double cycle combustion system with the same operating time. With engine repair, it can improve performance. In research, polypropylene fuel is mixed with general fuels and added with a certain volume of additives. The additive fuel is used for the consumption of a motorbike engine that is tested for performance at the dynotest. By comparing the treatment with the addition of additives to the fuel, the results of this ability are not known.</p> Adityo Dwi Djoko Suranto Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 246 255 Application of Solar Powered Wheelbarrow for Energy Saving Cooking Process <p>The development of solar energy to meet the various needs of human life is currently increasing. Solar Power Plant technology has also been widely introduced and applied in the community. The research is conducted to apply Solar PV technology which is used for energy-efficient cooking processes. Solar PV is the main component of the solar power plant that is used as an energy source to supply electricity to wheelbarrows. The dimensions of the wheelbarrow used are 180 cm long, 216 cm wide, and 150 cm high. The solar panel is monocristalline type with power capacity of 4 x 100 Wp. Other components includes 65 Ah VRLA Battery, 1000 W Inverter and 10 A Battery Control Regulator. This wheelbarrow has an electric stove and heater with an average 200 Watt power rating, also equipped with a 10 Watt lamp and a socket. This solar powered wheelbarrow is used for cooking approximately 6 hours with continuous use and longer for light or medium usage.</p> M Nuruddin A Fahriannur Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 256 262 Business Development through Economic Value Evaluation in the Rukun Makmur Tobacco Farmers Group in Jember Regency <p class="IOPAbstract" style="margin-bottom: 6.0pt;"><span lang="EN-GB">This study aims to evaluate the Rukun Makmur tobacco farmer group's business development in terms of costs, income, profits, and efficiency of tobacco farming. The data used in this study are primary and secondary. Primary data is data obtained directly from research respondents, namely tobacco farmers Rukun Makmur Jember. The number of samples of this study consisted of 40 farmers. This study's data were collected using 3 techniques, namely field surveys, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study uses the profitability method and efficiency method. The results showed that the average amount of production costs incurred by the Rukun Makmur Farmer Group was 1.41 billion, consisting of direct costs of Rp. 972.9 million and implicit costs of Rp. 437.1 million. Furthermore, the average income earned was IDR 1,869 billion. Thus, the average profit earned during 2018 and 2019 is IDR 459 million, with an R / C ratio of 1.32. Based on these results, it can be said that the farming business has been efficient and feasible to do.</span></p> Rahma Rina Wijayanti Cherry Triwidiarto Oryza Ardhiarisca Rediyanto Putra Copyright (c) 2020 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 263 268 Development of Leaf Color Level Sensors for Measuring the Nutritional Need of Chrysanthemum based on Raspberry pi <p>Chrysanthemum (Chrysantium Morifolium) is one of the most popular ornamental flower plants in Indonesia. The advantages of chrysanthemum include adjustable flowering properties so that they can be produced all year round with varied flowers and easier handling. Apart from being used as cut flowers, chrysanthemum plants can be used as traditional medicine and also as insect poison medicine. The quality of chrysanthemums is largely determined by external appearances such as stalks, leaves, and flower crowns. So that it takes an intensive maintenance effort from seeding to harvesting in order to obtain good flower quality. One of the factors that greatly influence the maintenance of chrysanthemum is the provision of nutrients or nutrients. Lack of nutrients in the chrysanthemum will inhibit growth so that it can reduce the quality of the flowers produced. In this paper, a camera-based sensor is developed to measure the color level of chrysanthemum leaves. Leaf color levels were measured through histogram processing on the raspberry pi device. Image processing results are compared with the standard Leaf Color Chart (LCC) to obtain accurate readings.</p> Syamsul Arifin Christa Refa Firgiyanto Dhanang Eka Putra Copyright (c) 2021 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 3 1 269 277